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Aaron Hotchner never thought he'd be a theatre kid, but here he is playing Pirate #4 in The Pirates of Penzance.

Honestly, the only reason he joined drama was to get closer to Haley. She always had a thing for drama. It felt like her safe-haven; a place she could escape to when things weren't going too well.

Aaron's attempts at trying to talk to her were usually a hit or miss (more often misses), but on the bright side the drama teacher is hilarious.

David Rossi worked in the FBI until he retired. He always complains about it, saying that he doesn't know how the hell he ended up as a drama teacher.

Apparently he applied to work in the cafeteria but the chefs were so annoyed with him that they bumped him down to the drama department. Anyone in the school that knows that story finds it hilarious.

Aaron is watching Haley practice her lines from the stage-left wings. Aaron thinks she looks so beautiful. Her hair is glowing under the stage-lights and her smile could light up the whole room.

He hears a set piece tumble and jumps up from the floor. He's closest, so he walks cautiously towards the toppled cardboard. There have been rumors that the theatre was haunted since long before he enrolled. Even though he didn't believe them them, they left him paranoid. 

"Sorry!" A girl yells awkwardly. She tries to put the piece back up, but after it falls again Aaron helps her.

"Why are you back here?" Aaron asks.

"I was looking for Mr. Rossi," she explains. "I'm new. I was thinking of joining drama, but it looks like I've messed that up-"

"He prefers Rossi," Aaron states. "What's your name?"

"Emily Prentiss," she says.

"I'm Aaron." He waves his hand for her to follow him, and she does.

Rossi is in the costume room, trying to find a replacement costume for Elle Greenaway. She got a nose bleed and stained her white shirt.

Rossi wasn't very happy about that.

"Rossi?" Aaron asks, Emily standing awkwardly behind him.

"What is it, Aaron?" Rossi asks, a little annoyed.

"Emily wants to join drama," Aaron says, a small smile on his usually blank face.

"Auditions are closed... but I guess I could fit you in for tech."

Rossi pushes his headset into Emily's arms and waves at them to leave. "Umm, okay," Emily laughs.

To be completely honest, she was on the same mission as Aaron Hotchner. She had zero interest in joining drama; she kind of liked him.

Tracking Aaron down wasn't easy, but when she found out he was in an after-school club, she decided it couldn't hurt to get to know him better.

Besides, a little extra credit couldn't hurt, either.

While Emily and Aaron make small talk in drama class, Spencer and JJ are walking home from school to her house. This is what they did, most days. Spencer's house wasn't exactly the safest place for him, so whenever he got the chance he would crash with JJ.

Derek Morgan had paid for Spencer's first-ever contacts, making sure the shipping was as fast as possible. He feels really bad for what happened, but the only reason Spencer was upset was because he was already feeling down.

"What's going on up there?" JJ asks.

"Hm?" Spencer asks.

"You've been pretty quiet."

"I'm not sure," Spencer finally says. "I guess things have felt different, lately. I mean, Derek Morgan was nice to me."

"Well, has he ever been mean to you?"

"He made fun of my hair once, but besides that, no."

"Spence, you need to stop assuming every new person you meet is going to hate you."

"36 times," Spencer says. JJ gives him a confused look, so he continues, "That's how many times I've been harassed this school year."

"You.. you count?"

"Is that weird?" Spencer asks. "I'm sorry if I'm talking a lot-"

"Don't ever apologize for that. I love your rants," JJ says. "Come here.."

JJ wraps Spencer in a hug that he forces himself to return. Hugs aren't really his thing, but right now JJ doesn't seem to care.

After what seems like forever, JJ lets go of him and puts her arm around his shoulder, guiding him away from the road that he was drifting dangerously close to.

Spencer smiles to himself. He's so lucky to have such a great friend.

A/N: hope you guys are enjoying :) I probably won't update for a few days at least because I'm not as far ahead as I'd like to be

Word count: 772

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