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The next Monday, school resumes like usual. Apparently the fire wasn't as bad as it looked. Only a few classrooms and the gym were destroyed, so they're barricaded with yellow and black crime-scene tape.

The students are organizing a walk-out, to honor Rossi, and hopefully even change Barnes's mind. It would be two weeks from now during fourth period.

With all of the science classrooms burned to a crisp, most students have one or two extra free periods. Spencer has no reason to be at school until second period, but decides he'd rather be anywhere than home. He grabs his backpack and his phone, leaving the house as quietly as he can to avoid waking his mother.

What he isn't expecting when he gets to school is JJ practically squeezing him to death. She finally let's go of him and he gives her a weak smile. "Where have you been? You can't just ignore us for days at a time and expect us not to worry."

"I was with a friend," Spencer replies truthfully.

"What friend?" JJ asks. She can't help but feel jealous. She knows he wasn't with any of their main group. Who could it be ?

"What happened to the school? In the newspaper they said it could be arson," Spencer says, changing the subject.

"They said the police would be questioning all of us," JJ says coldly. "I hope you have a good alibi."

Ouch, Spencer thinks to himself. JJ pushes past him, painfully hitting his shoulder. Spencer knows he deserves this. After all, he did ignore all of their messages for days straight. Part of him couldn't help it, to be fair; he just needed an escape from everything.

Now he's left with more anxiety than he started with.

An all-too familiar brunette practically skips down the hallway, looking for new drama to drool over. Lindsey Vaughn: Cat Adams's favorite rebound. "You said you'd tell me today. It's today," Lindsey presses. Cat rolls her eyes as she takes her books out of her locker.

"I said I'd think about it," Cat deadpans. She closes her locker with a thud and starts walking with Lindsey towards their next class. Lindsey flashes Cat her classic puppy dog eyes, and Cat takes a deep breath. "What happens between me and Spencer stays private until I decide it doesn't, okay?" Cat says. A sinister picture pops into Lindsey's head.

"Did you guys.. you know..?" Lindsey whispers.

"No! Not that it's any of your business," Cat spits.

"Well, we all know you wanted to," Lindsey mutters. Cat grabs Lindsey's wrist and twists it behind her back.

"I don't want to hear another word from you about this, understand?" Cat seethes, letting go of Lindsey's arm. She reluctantly nods.

Emily and JJ go to their first period English class, and JJ learns that Emily had witnessed the whole thing.

"Okay, I need to know what you were talking about with Spence immediately," Emily says.

"He's just being a dick, nothing new there," JJ spits. Emily laughs a little, earning a mean glare from their teacher.

"Well.. You pushed him! Now who's being a dick?" Emily says. JJ sighs.

"You have a point," JJ admits.

"Look, I saw Cat and Lindsey talking and-"

"Ladies, unless you want to come up here and say it in front of the class, zip it."

Emily bites her lip. She gives JJ an "I'll tell you later" look and sinks back down into her seat.

"We're having an assembly starting soon in the cafeteria," their teacher says. "Let's get going."

The rest of the class follows, exchanging confused mumbles. Emily whispers to JJ, "It's probably about the fire."

She wasn't wrong. Emily and JJ sit next to their friends, Spencer sitting awkwardly next to Derek, avoiding eye contact with JJ.

A police officer stands at the podium with a microphone in his hands. He clears his throat and straightens his notes. "I just have some quick information about the fire. We're releasing this information publicly in hopes that one of you will come clean."

The crowd falls silent, so he continues, "The source of the fire was a small shed in the yard. The flames were carried by the wind to the gym and science wing. Four classrooms were harmed not including the gym, and beyond repair. We will have to demolish and rebuild them."

Penelope is frozen. She knows exactly how the fire started.

"We know it wasn't on purpose. A scented candle started the fire from inside the shed. If any of you have any information,
-" the officer says, then lists the police tip line and where to find it. Penelope stops listening. She just can't hear anything after that.

Penelope started the fire.

A/N: yeehaw, howdy m8

Word count: 800

Childish| Criminal Minds जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें