Chapter 66: Why Would You Do This to Me?

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"Hey Ashely" I smile at her

"Could I talk to Niall for a minute?" She asks

I nod standing "Sure. I was wanting some tea anyway. Do you want anything, Ni?" I offer

He shakes his head though pulling his blanket up further. "Alright, I'll be back in a bit"


Everything hurt. My body ached from never moving it, my throat throbbed constantly and I was simply exhausted. Everything was so much harder than I anticipated it to be.

"How are you Niall?" Ashley takes Harry's seat beside me handing me a white board and marker

That was the other thing. My voice was nearly completely gone and on the rare occasion I could talk it burned my throat. I knew Dr. Kelly said this was a possibility with the trial drug, I guess I was just so excited at the thought of there being a cure I jumped without thinking.

"Fine, tired." I scribble on the board turning it to answer her

She nods "I can imagine. Dr. Kelly was telling me you're having pretty severe side effects to the chemo."

"I'm dying, aren't I?"

She sighs running her eyes across the board. She looks down pulling on her fingers.

"Do you want my therapist or friend response to that?"

"Therapist" I write quickly

"You're right" heart sinks to my stomach "But that doesn't mean you're dead. You have to keep living and enjoying life as hard as that may seem. For your own sake."

"I know, I'm just so tired. This is so hard"

She frowns "what exactly is hard? The treatment or continuing to live?"

"The treatment isn't allowing me to keep living. The treatment is killing me."

"You can stop the treatment, Niall. I think this us taking a worse toll on you than any of expected." She tells me genuinely

I want to agree. I want to agree with her and stop this all "but, remember why you chose to do this Niall. Remember what you're fighting for."

I sigh knowing shes right. I don't want to give up. I don't. It just sounds so easy, simple. "This is your fight though Niall. Nobody can or should tell you what to do."

"I'm just tired."

She nods "I know, I know"

"Hey Ni!" A chippy voice whips back the curtain quickly "oh sorry were you in the middle of a session"

I shake my head as does ashley "Its alright, we were just finishing up anyway. I'll see you guys soon" she stands and leaves leaving me with Louis and Liam

"Where were you?" I hold up the small white board Ashley left me

Liam frowns "We had an interview to go to remember? We talked about it this morning"

My face mirrors his. No, I honestly didnt remember that at all. I must have been asleep when they talked about it and he just thinks I was up.

"Yeah and a dumb one at that" louis quips pulling a latex glove out of a box and proceeding to blow it up like a balloon


"Its strange right? I mean hes never had anything like this before" I urge Dr. Kelly concerned

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