Chapter 16 "Meathead"

Start from the beginning

Halstead goes and gets his coffee while Severide does Rosie's paperwork.
Walking back, Halstead runs into his brother.
"With everything going on, I didn't have a chance to ask how you're doing," Dr. Halstead says.
"I'm okay," Halstead tells him, "We had this lady over at our house and she knew a lot of private things," he says.
"Like what?" Dr. Halstead asks him.
"Well first of all she's a psychic," Halstead says, Dr. Halstead rolls his eyes, "Will, she knew things that there's no way she could have!  She knew about the things I said to Pops before he died!"
Dr. Halstead looks at him surprised, "She really knew?" he questions.
"Yes," Halstead tells him, "She said that Mom was so proud of both of us.  And that Pops forgives me for what I said.  He doesn't want me to beat myself up over and to move on and live my best life with my family," Halstead tells him.
Dr. Halstead just stands there, "Thanks for telling me, Jay!  That's really nice to hear!" he pats Halstead on the shoulder, "I better get back to work."
"Yeah, I better get back and see if they're ready," Halstead tells him.
They give each other a brotherly hug and walk off in opposite directions.

At the nurse's station, Severide's busy signing all of Rosie's paperwork when Halstead walks up.
He looks over at Halstead then back down to the papers, "So, what's happening with that prick Austin?" he asks.
"The less you know the better," Halstead tells him.
"Okay," Severide says.
"You're on shift tomorrow aren't you?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah, why?" Severide asks him as he signs the last paper.
"No reason," Halstead tells him as they stand there waiting for a nurse to take the paperwork.

Back in Rosie's room, she's finally all dressed.
"She looks pretty good!" Beth says smiling at Rosie.
"Well, she is dressed better!" Shaylynn says.
"I'll punch you in the arm," Beth tells her laughing, she goes to pick Rosie up but she wants to walk, "You make sure you hold your Mom's hand!" Beth says as they walk out of the room.
One minute Rosie was walking beside Beth, the next she was running down the hallway toward Severide and Halstead.
Shaylynn watched as Severide picked her up and hugged her tightly.
The ladies walk up to the men, "Right, are we taking you home then?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah, you want me to drive?" Beth asks.
Shaylynn, Halstead, and Severide all say 'no' in unison.
Halstead and Shaylynn drop them off and head for home.
After a while, everyone gets ready for bed.
Sitting in bed waiting on Halstead, Shaylynn calls Beth real quick.
"Hey, what's up?" Beth asks.
"You know Vera Wand don't you?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Wee mental Chinese American designer, yeah I know her!" Beth says laughing, "She loved me by the way!"
"Good, because I need a wedding dress made in like a few days. I think she lives in New York?" Shaylynn questions.
"I suppose it'll depend on how much you'll pay her," Beth says laughing again, "And yes, she does live in New York."
"Funny!" Shaylynn says.
"I suppose I can pay for it. I can send her a text and get her to phone you if you like? Just so she can get an idea on the material and what you want to be made," Beth tells her.
"That would be great, Beth! But you do realize I have my own money," Shaylynn reminds her.
Beth doesn't say anything and changes the subject, "I feel a mini shopping trip to New York coming up! Not tomorrow though, Kelly's on shift and I'm not leaving Rosie."
"That's understandable!" Shaylynn tells her, "I have some work I need to take care of tomorrow anyway."
"I'll get a hold of Vera and get her to call you," Beth tells her.
"Thanks, Hun! I'll talk to you later!" Shaylynn says hanging up.

Later that night, two figures are running out of a run-down building carrying two huge black duffel bags between them.
They get into a black van and speed off with shots being fired at them.


The next morning, Shaylynn talks to Vera and makes arrangements for a meeting in New York.
After she gets off the phone with Vera, she texts Beth, New York 9:30 am on Thursday.

Halstead walks around wondering where Shaylynn is.
Out in the garage, Halstead catches Shaylynn before she gets in her car.
"Wait!" he says quickly walking up to her, "What are you up to today?"
"I have an assignment for work that I need to take care of. Then I'll be getting together with Beth later to talk to her about traveling to New York," she tells him.
"New York? Why would you be going to New York for?" Halstead asks her.
"Beth knows Vera Wang. She gave Vera my number. When I talked to Vera, she's going to be designing and making my wedding dress," Shaylynn tells him smiling.
After the video he saw on her phone he's relieved to hear her talk about getting married, "Okay. I'll see you later. I love you!" Halstead says kissing her.
Holding her door open, when she gets in Halstead closes it and backs up from the car.
He watches Shaylynn back out, then drive down the driveway.

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