"When are you choosing?" She asks me.

"Tomorrow." I tell her.

"How long does the process of choosing usually take?"

"A couple of days normally. But I wanna get it done as quickly as possible so I can finish gathering evidence in your case." She nods and smiles.

"You're really smart." She says softly and I smile.

"I read a lot books in elementary school." I tell her and we both laugh. After a moment she stops and stares at me. Like she's reading me and asking me something at the same time.

"Ashley..." Her voice breaks when she calls my name. Her face tells me what she wants to know.

"You know..." I start, moving closer to the table—closer to her. "The burden lies on the Prosecutor, he's the one that has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed this crime, Spencer. That's one of the hardest things to do. I'm gonna poke holes in his case and plant seeds of doubt in the juror's minds." I grab her hands, that are cuffed to the table, enclosing them in mine. "I have no doubt that we're gonna win this." A small smile plays at her lips as she stares down as my hands on top of hers.

"I trust you." She says softly and looks up at me. Giving me a look I can't read this time. But she doesn't look away when our eyes meet, she only continues to let a small smile play at her lips while her eyes bore into mine.

I look away first. Feeling the burn on my cheeks.

"You're blushing." She says softly in an amused tone. I release her hands and scoot back in my chair.

"I should probably get going." I say standing and gathering all my papers.

"I'm sorry." She says suddenly.

"Why are you apologizing?" I stop what I'm doing and ask, confused.

"I've made you uncomfortable." She replies simply, in a monotone voice.

"You didn't..." I shake my head and search for the right words. "I need to go take care of some things." I tell her and she nods and smiles slightly.

"Okay." Is all she says as I knock on the door and wait for the guard to come let me out.

"I'll be back tomorrow to discuss how the jury selection is going." I tell her and she only nods, not turning around to meet my eyes. When the guard opens the door I hurriedly make my way out the jail and to my car. As I get in and start it, my phone rings. I look down and see who's calling and roll my eyes.

"Hello, mother." I answer blandly.

"Well hello to you too my lovely daughter." She answers sarcastically.

I put my ear piece in. "I'm kind of busy mom, did you want something?" I ask putting my car in drive and pulling out of the parking space I was occupying.

"Actually, I do." She answers and pauses. I can hear someone speaking in the background but I can't make out what is being said. "I wanted to know if you would like to come over for dinner tomorrow evening, I met this wonderful gentleman-"

"Mom, don't start."I cut her off. I knew there was an ulterior motive behind this call.

"All I'm saying, Ashley..." She says my name in a condescending tone. "If you've never dated a man, then how do you know you don't like them?" She asks. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Mom I gotta go." I tell her.

"Just think about it, Ashley." I hate the way she says my name. Like she's so much better than me because she likes men. Or like I'm most disappointing part of her life.

"Okay mom." I answer solemnly and hang up. It really does break my heart that my mom and I haven't drifted apart. After I came out my Senior year in high school, she practically cut me off. My dad was okay with it, but she still hasn't come to terms with it. And now that I'm a 26-year-old woman, she still constantly tries to set me up on blind dates with guys. I've never liked men, I knew that well before my senior year.

"Judge Hallawell called again." Madison tells me as I enter my office.

"I'm not available." I tell her and she nods in understanding. Ever since the other night when we... well you know, she's been calling me non-stop. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't... horrible or anything. It actually made me wonder for a second if she'd done it before, but that's besides the point. The point is, she wants to jump into this relationship with me and I don't. Get this: during it, she told me she loved me. Like, who does that? I mean, I know people who are in love do that but we're not even dating and she loves me? Like really?

I shut my office door and walk over and flop down in my chair. I let out a puff of air and rub my temples.

This case is really starting to get to me. If I don't find some evidence to soon, I may be calling up Scott and taking that offer.


I've never been so uncertain of a case in my life.

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (2012 Watty Winner)Where stories live. Discover now