Vincent was still standing in the foyer looking like he'd been involved in a hit and run. "Blue cheese. I know it's your favorite. How much caffeine have you had?"

"I've had one cup of coffee today, but that was hours ago." I got Henry settled in his baby swing and walked back to open the pizza box, letting the aroma fill my sinuses. Vincent had finally woken up from his stupor and loaded the pizza onto plates, while I dug into the salad. "I'm actually craving salad. Isn't that funny? I don't have to force myself."

"Well, you didn't have any specific cravings when you were pregnant. Could be post-pregnancy cravings."

"Is that a thing?" I took a bite of pizza, giving it a second to cool on my tongue before chewing.

"Hell, if I know." He sat beside me on a barstool and started in on his slice. "So, we finally got some information out of Titan's niece."

"Really? Was it useful?"

"Not as far as the device is concerned, but we learned why she hooked up with Dmitry."

"Oh? Do tell."

"You were right about her hatred for Kimbra. She only stayed in the hive after Titan left because she wanted to be trained by the queen's guard."

"Hence, the tattoo Glade noticed."

"Exactly. She had plans to take Kimbra out herself, but she eventually realized the scope and difficulty of doing it alone. So, she left the hive to search for reinforcements. She was apparently spotted by one of Dmitry's henchmen near Peekskill, and he sent out a squadron to bring her in. She bartered for her life by impressing him with her metal working skills, and when he learned of her plan to take out Kimbra, they struck up a deal. He would help her destroy the hive queen and she would make devices for him."

I blinked at Vincent as the cogs in my brain started turning, which may have been the nourishment it was receiving by way of a gooey, cheesy masterpiece. "Did Terra make the evil spider?"

"She didn't admit to it outright, but she seemed pleased with herself when I mentioned what happened with it. She's refusing to give up details about what Dmitry's plan was for it. We're still hoping Titan can wear her down."

"Is he the only one with her now?"

"No, Adam stayed."

"So, did you and Colin leave together?"

"Yes, why?" Vincent surveyed me as I hid behind a forkful of salad. I'd been debating whether or not to mention my conversation with Colin to him. I felt like I knew Colin pretty well, but Vincent definitely had more experience with his brother. He would know if Colin was a flight risk.

"He called me earlier."

Lowering his pizza to his plate, Vincent gave me his undivided attention. "And...?"

"It had to do with Sylvie. She called him to say she wasn't over him."

"Damn." Shaking his head, he stood from his chair and walked around the counter to fill his glass with water. As he drained it, I dropped the next bomb.

"He's not over her either...apparently."

A heavy sigh left Vincent like the air was being dragged from his lungs, and he set the glass down hard on the counter. "I could tell he was distracted today. But I figured it had something to do with Claudette."

"I'm sure he's considering her too. Do you think he'd do something rash, like drop Claudette and go back to Sylvie?"

"To be honest, your guess is as good as mine. Colin doesn't know what he wants. He never has. He jumps from one thing to another without giving it much thought. I don't think he's ever set a goal for himself."

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