"Well, Dr. Hardwick recommended I eat iron-rich foods, so how about a mushroom and pepperoni pizza with spinach."

"Pizza again? Really?"

"Did you notice I added spinach? You can throw in a side salad if it makes you feel better."

"I'm not judging, babe."

"Sure you are, but that's okay. I'm giving myself license to eat what I want while I'm breastfeeding. I figure once our son is eating solid food, I'll be forced to return to the rec room for more torture."

"Not everything you do in the rec room is torture. See you soon."

If a voice could sound smoldering, that's what I heard coming from the phone, and I imagined myself kissing those smoldering lips as I bid Vincent goodbye. Damn. It was enough to make me forget the pain between my legs.

Henry decided he wanted to be awake after stuffing himself with my special home brew, so I snuggled him inside the dinosaur print baby wrap I'd received from Lindy, and we walked to Mr. Pearlman's old place. I knew Vincent wanted to use the apartment for visiting magisters, and I figured that hadn't happened because of me and my attachment to Mr. Pearlman's recliner. There was really no reason to hang onto the ratty old thing. It was falling apart and stunk like a dive bar.

During our chats about possible decorating ideas, Vincent mentioned wanting to mimic the style of our place. So, I just needed to incorporate minimalist with a dash of pompous gollum splendor. No problem. After doing another walk-through of the apartment, I sat down to make a few calls to furniture vendors while Henry blinked at me with curious eyes.

I was still on the phone when I heard Vincent's calling my name outside in the corridor. He sounded panicked. Pressing the speakerphone option, I slipped my cell inside the baby wrap with Henry, listening to the saleswoman explain the warranty details of their most popular wingback chairs as I stepped into the hall. Vincent was pounding on Amelia's front door, still yelling unnecessarily.

"We're right here, Vincent," I said over the saleswoman's monologue. His head jerked, and he started beating a path toward me.

"What are you doing over here?"

I held my finger up to shush him as I picked up my phone. "Ma'am, I have to go. Why don't you email me the warranty information. Thank you."

I attempted to hang up as Vincent tugged me back toward our apartment. "Who were you talking to?"

"A woman from Keystone Furnishings. I ordered a pair of wingback chairs in your favorite shade of gray, and a walnut bar cabinet for Mr. Pearlman's old apartment. I also called John downstairs to have that smelly recliner removed."

Vincent blinked at me as we stood in the foyer while the dogs circled our legs. "You did all that since we last spoke?"

"Yep. Ooh, do I smell pizza? Yummy." As I started to unfasten Henry from my chest, Vincent offered his assistance, continuing with his inquiries.

"What motivated you to do all that?"

"Boredom, first of all. And I know you want to fix up that apartment for visiting magisters. I'm the only one who's been holding up the progress by clinging to that silly chair. We need to let go of stuff that doesn't serve us, right? I think that's one of your quotes. Anyway, I'm determined to get the place looking spiffing before the first magister's meeting in September."

Vincent stared at me as he unraveled the baby wrap and Henry along with it. "Spiffing?"

"Yeah, it's the British term for wonderful. I heard a comedian use it today while I followed my darling mate's advice. What kind of salad dressing did you get? I forgot to say."

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