'Til Death Do Us Part

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One Week Later

"Did we have a meeting with Alvarez today?"

Jax looked over and saw three Mayan motorcycles pulling onto the lot and shook his head, frowning at Clay. "Not that I know of."

Clay nodded as they got up and walked over to meet Marcus at his bike.

"I need to speak to Trager."

Clay nodded to Jax and the younger man walked over to the clubhouse to yell for Tig. A minute later, he walked out with Happy and Chibs behind him. Marcus nodded as they all joined him and Clay.

"When was the last time you saw Victoria?"

Tig rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head. "We uhh... We broke up. I haven't seen her in over a month."

Marcus nodded before looking at his men. "That's unfortunate. I had some information for her. I stopped by the diner but it was closed."

Happy muttered under his breath before shaking his head. "Something's off then because they're never closed in the middle of the day. You try calling her?"

Marcus nodded. "Si. There was no answer on her cell or the business."

Happy turned to Half-Sack. "Call Tabby, see if she knows anything."

They waited until he was done. He ended the call and shook his head. "Tabby said Vic called her a few days ago and said something came up and she needed to close for a few days. She said Vic didn't sound right, like she was nervous or something. Said she kept stuttering."

Clay shook his head. "Sounds shady to me."

Marcus nodded. "Si. I'm going to her house."

Clay nodded. "Jax, you, Opie, and Hap ride along. I got a bad feeling."

Tig shook his head as he stepped past Clay. "I'm going too."

Happy turned and slapped a hand on Tig's chest, shaking his head. "No. You're not. Go have a play date with your kid. Oh wait, that's right. She took the money and left."

Tig swung on Happy who ducked just in time. Clay stepped between them, shaking his head.

"Enough! We don't have time for your bullshit! Happy, get the fuck out of here. Tig, go inside."

Tig shook his head and muttered under his breath, letting the door slam behind him as he strode inside. Jax, Opie, and Happy got on their bikes and followed Marcus and his men out of the lot.

Clay walked into the cool interior of the clubhouse and saw Tig sitting at a table in the corner with a bottle of beer in his hand. When Clay sat down across from him, Tig shook his head.

"I know I fucked up, alright? I don't need my best friend reminding me every chance he gets."

Clay nodded. "He's pissed. We're all pissed. You treated her like shit because your kid said so. Did it ever occur to you that Dawn didn't like Vic because she knew Vic loved you just for you? That Vic could see through her bullshit?"

Tig sighed and ran a hand through his hair before he nodded. "Yeah, it did. Right after Dawn left. I knew that I lost the one good thing in my life, man. I just don't know how to get her back."

Clay lit a cigar and nodded. "It's a bad situation. Maybe you can tell Vic what you just told me."

Tig nodded. "Yeah, maybe." He shook his head. "I got a bad feeling, man. You should have let me go with them."

Clay sighed. "I thought that if it's something bad, they'd have clearer heads."

Tig nodded. "Yeah."


Happy parked his bike behind Vic's car and stepped up to the beat-up truck parked beside it. Jax pointed toward the front door and Happy nodded, falling in behind everyone else.

Marcus touched the door and it swung in on silent hinges, causing Happy and everyone else to pull their guns. They all stepped inside, stopping to listen for any signs of movement. Jax motioned toward the kitchen and Happy nodded, following Chibs and Alvarez down the hall to the bedrooms.

They had cleared all of the rooms when they heard Jax curse and call out. Happy was the first in the kitchen, and he froze at what he saw there.

Vic sitting on the floor against the wall, a gun in her hand. Halfway in the back door was the body of a man who Happy could only assume was Jake.

Happy walked other with Marcus to check Jake as Jax stooped down in front of Vic.

"Vic? Sweetheart? What happened here?"

Vic just stared straight ahead as if Jax wasn't even there as Happy kneeled beside him. Jax shook his head.

"I think she's in shock, man."

Happy nodded as he reached out and turned Vic's head to him. "Vic? You want me to get Tig?"

He watched as Vic blinked once. "Alex?"

He nodded. "Yeah, Alex."

Vic's eyes closed for a minute before opening with the saddest expression Happy had ever seen. "He doesn't love me anymore."

Happy shook his head. "Sure he does. I'm going to step outside and call him, okay?"

Vic went back to looking straight ahead as Happy walked into the living room and dialed a number. When Clay answered, Happy sighed.

"Tell Tig to get his ass to Vic's house. Now."


When Tig walked into Vic's house ten minutes later, he had to step aside as Chibs and one of Alvarez's men carried what looked like a body wrapped in a sheet. Happy met him in the living room and poked a finger in his chest.

"She's in shock. Don't make it worse."

Tig shook his head. "What the fuck happened?"

"As far as we can tell, she shot Jake. She hasn't said anything yet."

Tig nodded before walking into the kitchen. He found Vic sitting against the wall with Jax beside her, talking quietly. Jax nodded to Tig and got up so Tig could sit beside her.

"Vic? Baby? What happened?"

Vic turned her head and looked at him.
"Oh. Alex. Are you still angry with me?"

Tig gave her a small smile and shook his head. "Nah, baby. I'm not mad."

The look of relief on her face would have been funny if not for the situation. "Oh good because I think I killed Jake."

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