It Was Fun While It a Lasted

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One Month Later

Vic looked up from the counter when the bell dinged over the front door, sighing when she saw Happy walk in. She'd been hoping that it would be Alex, but she should have known better.

Happy sat down on a stool and nodded toward the coffee pot. Once he had his cup in front of him, he shook his head.

"You need to reconsider the break up, Vic. Tig's a fucking mess over it."

Vic scoffed and shook her head. "That's not my problem, Hap. He broke up with me."

Happy stared at her for a moment before cursing under his breath. "He told me that you broke it off with him. Tell me straight, little girl. What the fuck happened?"

Vic sighed before motioning for him to follow her. Once they were in the office with the for closed, Vic shrugged.

"You remember about a week after Alex and I were together? Dawn came to town?"

Happy nodded. "What does Tig's kid have to do with anything?"

"She didn't like me. Hated me on sight. And, when I found out why she was in town, I confronted him about it. I told him that to me, it seemed like she only came around when she wanted money."

Happy nodded again. "That's exactly right but Tig won't hear that. He thinks she loves him."

Vic scoffed and shook her head. "No, she loves the money he gives her. Anyway, he blew up at me, saying that I just didn't understand because I didn't have kids of my own. Then he brought up Jake, saying that when I got my own shit in order, I could worry about his." She sighed and shrugged. "He left then came back an hour later, saying that he'd talked it all out with Dawn and that she was right in that we just weren't going anywhere and that I was using him." She shook her head again. "Using him for what he never did say. That was the last time I saw him."

Happy stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. "He's a fucking moron, Vic. Those girls... They use guilt on him to get whatever they want and he just doesn't see it. All they have to do is throw in a few I love you daddys and he's caught."

Vic nodded before smiling at him sadly. "You're right about that, Hap. I love him, I probably always will, but... I can't continue to worry about him. He was right about one thing. I do need to get my own shit sorted out."

Happy nodded. "Where are you with Jake?"

Vic shrugged. "He's been served with divorce papers and David convinced me to get a restraining order just in case. That's all I can do until he signs them."

Happy sighed and nodded. "Well, if you need anything, you call me or Gemma. I mean it, Vic. Anything at all, any time at all."

Vic gave him a sad smile and nodded before wrapping her arms around him for a hug. "Thank you, Hap. I appreciate it."

Happy hugged her back before nodding. "It's nothing, Vic. We take care of our own. To all of us, you're still Tig's old lady, little girl."

Vic nodded as he walked out of her office, thinking to herself that she wished that was still true.


Happy walked into the clubhouse an hour later, seeing Chibs sitting at the bar.

"Where the fuck is Tig?"

Chibs looked at him with a raised brow. "In 'is room, I think. Why?"

Happy shook his head as he turned toward the hallway that led to the dorms. "He has a beating coming, that's why."

He stormed down the hall, Chibs right behind him. When he got to Tig's door, he threw it open and walked in, causing Tig to look up from the book he was reading. He frowned when he saw Happy standing in the doorway.

"What's up, brother?"

Happy sneered and waved a hand at him. "Get the fuck up and get in the ring, man."

Tig stood slowly, his frown deepening as he held his hands out in front of him. "Look, I don't know who pissed you off, but... "

"You did. I just came from seeing Vic. Get in the fucking ring."

Tig rolled his eyes, causing Happy to growl under his breath and take a step forward. "I don't know what she told you but... "

Happy shook his head as he swung, tired of waiting on Tig to walk outside. "She told me the fucking truth." He kept punching as Chibs ran out of the room to find someone to help him break up the brawl. "You lied when you said she broke it off. You're the pussy that can't see what he had, so I'm gonna beat the truth into you."

By the time Opie and Chibs made it back to the room, Tig was a bloody mess and Happy was starting to lose steam. Opie dragged Happy off of Tig as Chibs leaned over to check his beaten friend.

"Bloody hell, Hap! What's gotten into ye?"

Happy told them exactly what Vic had told him, and by the time he was done, the other two men were looking at Tig with frowns on their faces. Chibs shook his head as he stepped toward the door. Tig sat up and looked at the three men.

"What was I supposed to do? I couldn't choose between her and my girls. They're all I got."

Opie shook his head. "No, Tig. You don't have them. They have you, for a bank."

Chibs nodded. "Aye. Well, I guess it's a good thing it 'appened tha' way. Vic already had one asshole in her life. She dinnae need two."

Opie nodded in agreement as he followed the Scot out into the hall. Happy stopped at the door and shook his head at the man still kneeling on the floor.

"She was the best thing that ever happened to you, man, and you just threw her away. She deserves better."

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