Taking Care Of Business

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Tig stopped in the doorway of Vic's bedroom, seeing the lump under the covers shaking. His heart constricted when he heard the muffled sobs coming from the woman buried under the covers. He strode across the room and climbed into the bed, moving blankets out of the way until he found Vic curled into a ball and crying into her pillow.

She jumped when he touched her arm, lifting her eyes to his. He felt tears welling up in his own eyes at the look of complete grief on her face as he turned her into his arms and laid back with her. She clung to his kutte with both hands, her head buried in his neck. "Roscoe's gone."

Tig nodded as he stroked her hair and held onto her as tightly as he could. "I know, baby, and I'm so sorry. I'm here, it's okay. Just let it out, Vic."

As she cried into his neck, he could do nothing but hold her and let her grieve. He knew the feeling of loss she was experiencing, and also knew that there was nothing that he could do to make it better for her but be there. Finally, the tears stopped and her breathing evened out, telling him that she was either asleep or close to it. He leaned back so that he could see her face and was struck by how beautiful she really was, especially when the strain and stress of life were leached away by sleep, leaving her peaceful.

He sighed before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. He knew that if he had been in the market for a woman, she would have been his first choice, but the life he lived wasn't conducive for a relationship. He let himself have a moment though, just a moment to pretend that she was his and he was hers. He shook his head as he thought that she may not be meant for him but he would love and protect her as her best friend until a man came along that was good enough for this tiny woman.


Vic slowly woke up, frowning at the feel of a solid body against hers. She opened her eyes to find herself face to face with Tig. Sometime while he had been there, they'd both slid down and were lying facing each other, his arms wrapped around her as if protecting her in their sleep. She smiled at the peaceful look on his face and wondered how she had never noticed how handsome he really was.

She reached out with a finger and traced his cheekbone and nose, trying to ignore the feeling that they belonged here like they were. She knew that her life left no opening for a man or romance, and his was hard and dangerous most of the time, but she couldn't help the feeling of awareness that was streaking down her spine. She was afraid that she was falling for him and that would be a horrible thing. She sighed as she slowly moved his arms from around her and sat up.

She looked at the clock on the wall and decided that she'd see what she had in the kitchen to cook as she covered him with a blanket and walked to the kitchen. She could at least fix him a home-cooked meal before sending him on his way.


Tig woke to an empty bed and the scent of something cooking that smelled amazing. He pulled his burner out of his pocket as he sat up on the side of the bed and checked to make sure nobody had called while he was passed out. Seeing no messages, he stuffed it back in his pocket and ran a hand through his hair before standing up and making his way to the kitchen.

When he got there, he leaned against the doorframe smirking as he watched Vic stirring something in a pot on the stove. "Chili, right?"

Vic turned and gave him a small smile. "Yup. I thought I should feed you since you let me cry all over you."

Tig shrugged. "It's fine, babe. You needed a shoulder. You feelin' any better now?"

Vic nodded as she sighed. "Yeah, I do. I honestly didn't think it would hit me that hard, but... I've had him since Jake left."

Tig nodded as he stepped up to reach the bowls that she was trying to get from a high shelf. "It's understandable, Vic. He was part of your family."

Vic nodded as she ladled out chili into each bowl before nodding her head at the table. Tig sat down as she placed a bowl in front of him and took a seat across the table. He sighed as he looked around. "We need to have a chat, Vic."

She frowned as she took a handful of tortilla chips out of the bowl in the middle of the table. "About what?"

Tig grinned as he gestured around them. "This place, babe. It's falling down around your ears, and I assume the locks don't work since I just walked right in earlier. That's not good when you have a meth house right next door."

Vic rolled her eyes, earning herself a dirty look from the big man across the table. "Nobody ever  bothers me out here, I swear."

Tig shrugged. "Don't care. I'm gonna have Gemma look for something closer to the garage. I'd feel better if I knew that you were safe when I'm not in town."

Vic grinned and shook her head. "It's not your job to worry about my safety. It's mine."

Tig nodded before leaning into the table. "Besides the club, you're my best friend. Until there's another man in the picture to worry about you, I'm going to keep the position. You're moving closer to TM. Period."

Vic started to argue with him but she could tell from the set of his jaw that he was serious. She just nodded. "Okay. Whatever you say, Alex."

He smiled at her and nodded. "Good. Now, about that car of yours... "

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