Ch 8: Water Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Clarity!" The Doctor caught her in her arms as the human fell back with a cry of pain. Her blue eyes glowing brightly, a few wisps of electricity gliding across her skin. "No, no, no, no, no. What did you do!?" The Doctor yelled at Epzo fury in her tone as she cradled the dying human in her arms holding her tightly. She couldn't see the wound that well due to the smoke the blast had produced. Not that it mattered. She didn't have anything that would help. Her ship was too far away. There was nothing she could do but hold her.

"You shot actually shot her..." Callidoroha looked at Epzo in terror taking a step back. Her first instinct was to dive in the water for cover but she fought against it. The water would kill her for sure

"Clarity!" Graham yelled in worry for his granddaughter. The human group's walk transitioning into a frenzied run.

"Ow...that hurt?" Clarity groaned blinking as she saw dots in her vision, probably from staring at the three suns in the sky, But Clarity wasn't too sure. The smoke of the blast cleared away to reveal Clarity's chest. The Doctor had been expecting to see a huge gaping hole where the human's heart should be but insitead there was nothing but smooth pale skin . A huge hole was now burned into her favorite sweater, but other than that the human appeared to be unharmed.

Clarity pouted as she fingered the singed fabric. "Aw, I loved this sweater."

"How in the...." Epzo steeled himself. It didn't matter. He made to fire again but the Doctor was quicker.

"You're not gettin the chance." The Doctor glared standing up setting Clarity gently down in one fluid motion. "See this?" The Doctor held up the pinky of her free hand and pressed it to Epzo's neck before he could dare to pull the trigger again. He let out a choked up gasp suddenly finding he couldn't move. His eyes widened.

"Nice move!" Angstrom praised her.

"Thanks. Venusian aikido." The Doctor smacked the gun out of his grip sending it flying into the water with a splash. "Grandmaster pacifist.

Temporarily paralyses while also being fundamentally harmless. Very clever, those Venusian nuns."

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Clarity asked in awe of the trick. Smiling brightly up at the Doctor. The Doctor looked back down at the human, and for a brief moment Clarity saw an emotion she hadn't seen before in the time lady, she couldn't put it into words to describe it, but after a second that emotion was buried underneath another as she answered her question.

"I don't see why not. Might take you a little bit though, took me a while to learn it myself." The Doctor told her before redirecting her attention back onto Epzo. A darkened fury in her eyes that only he could see. The oncoming storm was brewing. "Shall I let go? Or are you going to try to kill my friend again?" The Doctor asked Epzo. " If you are let me tell you right now doing that would be a very bad idea."

With that said the Doctor let him go Epzo letting out ragged breaths as he was released. Only for him to be tackled to the ground by Dez a few seconds later. Her knee pressing into his back, as his arms were twisted behind him, his head hanging over the dock. "Yaz, check him, make sure he doesn't have anymore weapons."

"What the hell are you two doing?" The Doctor asked the two officers. As Yaz patted Epzo down as Dez had instructed.

"Responding to a threat. I'm willing to bet that wasn't the only gun he has." Yaz answered the Doctor.

"There's no need for that." The Doctor protested not really too keen on the violence that was occurring.

"You feel safe with this murderer carrying? Cause I sure as hell don't." Dez replied tightening her grip as Epzo struggled.

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