[10] Busty Brunettes, Kisses and Confusion

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Kirishima wiped the remaining tears. He was tired of this. He was tired of caring. He was tired of trying to fix things and have them fall apart. He was just tired. Now the one thing in this world that kept him just wanting to wake up in the morning was gone. He should've just taken the chance when he had it! But no! He was weak and stupid and careless and let the ash blonde slip between his fingers. It's just like everything else in life, he takes things for granted and then bitches about them when it's gone. That's just what he does, right?

It's all my fault.

With one deep sigh, he opened the door, wiping his cheeks just one more time. He was taken back when he bumped into a solid chest. He sniffed and apologized profusely, waving his hands around. "Kirishima what the hell were you doing in there?" A confused blonde spoke. The red heads' eyes widened "oh- um well uh- I gotta go Bakugo!" He spit out, stumbling over his words. Kirishima sprinted down the hall leaving a confused Bakugo to wonder even more. Just seeing the blonde triggered his water works, but he held them in.

Kirishima sprinted out of the school, he didn't want to go back there. I just want to sleep, thats all. But maybe... it'd be nice if I... If I didn't wake up from my...Kirishima shook his head. No. He didn't want that. He shouldn't be thinking of things that like...

Bakugo eventually went back to class, he had missed his first period so now he was heading to his second. He still a little confused from the interaction with Kirishima. He shook it off for now, and decided to talk with him the next class they had together.

But he didn't see him.

Or in the next either.

And not lunch, which was the most concerning out of all the things he's skipped so far.

The schools bells rung and everyone was free to go. Bakugo still hadn't seen Kirishima, not since earlier and that made his confusion grow. He quickly changed his shoes, grabbed his things and was off to the dorms to see what the hell Kirishima was up to.

Kirishima hit his punching bag one more time as blood dripped from his knuckles. He didn't put on any gear and was kind of regretting his decision. He had came straight to his dorm and decided beat the living shit out of his punching bag, that innocently stayed in the corner of his room. He was hoping to relieve his emotions, but before he knew it he was exhausted. He had spaced out, he didn't even remember what he was thinking about. Falling back onto his bed, he was a little out of breath. Kirishimas mind went back to Bakugo, like it always does. He sat up and rested his head on top of his knees. The red head had started crying for the second time today...and as bad as before too. The punching bag didn't help... It didn't help at all. Kirishima cried into his hands. He sobbed and sobbed until his throat felt raw and he was trembling.

Bakugo stopped in front of Kirishimas door and knocked, waiting for an answer. He leaned on the wall, softly yawning.

Kirishimas head perked up, panic setting in. He wiped his faced and got up from his bed, starting to pace back and forth to calm his breathing. "J-just a sec!" He managed to say. He opened the door, and two red eyes met each other. One, irritated and puffy, the other turning from confused to worried. Bakugo walked in closing the door behind him. "You were crying, weren't you?" The ash blonde cut through the thick air, his emotions spinning around in his head. "No I w-wasn't i-i wa-"

"Don't lie to me Kirishima! I can tell when you lie."

"I wasn't lying B-bakugo, just listen to me-"

"Yes you were! Now tell me what's wrong?"

Kirishima stared at his feet, holding back tears.

"Nothing..." he whispered, his voice starting to crack.


"I...I'm-'' Kirishimas voice cracked, a single tear falling down his cheek.

And then the protective dam broke, letting tears flood down his cheeks.

"I-i'm s-sorry. I'm s-so sorry."

"Why are you sorry? what ever is wrong, it isn't your fault-"

"Yes it is! I've b-been lying t-to you! And I know you're mad at me now! I'm n-not better. And I'm s-so sick and t-tired of it! I'm t-tired of everything!" Kirishima cried out, sobs racking his body.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Bakugos warm handes caressed his cheeks, his thumbs softly sweeping away the fallen tears

"I'm not mad at you, I could never be. Okay?"

Kirishima shook his head, his breath choppy.

"But... I'm mad at myself...for not noticing soon enough and just- just leaving you to s-suffer. ...I want to help you, and do better this time. I hate seeing you like this, because when your not happy, I'm not happy. And its going to be hard, because slipping back into your old ways is easy, right? it's better to do what you're so used to then to keep pushing through. And that's okay, because handling the pressure can be too much and we break. But everyone breaks, we all have our moments, it's human, it's apart of growing and coming out even stronger next time. You're not alone Kirishima, I promise. Just think about tomorrow..like, am I going to feel like this tomorrow? Maybe I should push through and just wait until tomorrow. Because we might not always feel like this tomorrow and we might make decisions we wish we never made..."

Bakugo pulled Kirishima in for a hug without a response, he didn't need one. He engulfed the red head in a hug, rocking back and forth as he played with his red hair. "I swear, I will be with you along the whole way this time, you aren't going to be alone anymore."

Kirishima nodded, he rested his head on bakugos chest, the calming warmth consuming him. He forgot about everything that had happened today and he let those words Bakugo said really sink in. Maybe Bakugo wasn't his, but he would still be by his side. And he was content with that.

Bakugo slowly pulled away, his arms resting loosely around Kirishimas waist. The two red eyes stared into each other, both softening at the sight in front of them.

Bakugo slowly leaned forward,
his lips brushing against Kirishimas soft ones.

Kirishima stood still, a heavy blush spreading across his cheeks, anticipation swarming his veins...

and confusion, wasn't he with that one girl now?

Bakugo pulled away, resting his head against the others forehead, "I'm sorry, I didn't even ask if-"

He was cut short as a soft and warm pair of lips kissed his own.

It was short and sweet, but he wished it was longer.

They both exchanged smiles, grinning from ear to ear

"I like you... Like... a lot," Kirishima was the first to speak up "And I really want to be a thing and... Want to take it slow..."

"But first...who was that girl you kissed earlier?

"Just some bitch who though it was her right to just try and kiss me- wait, you saw that?"

"Yeah, I did. But I didn't mean to eavesdrop I swear! I was just looking for you and-"

Bakugo cut him off with a quick peck on the lips.

"Its okay... No need to get worked up over it, I was just surprised is all. She means nothing to me. You're the only one I want, I promise..."

Kirishimas eyes lit up

"You don't know how long I've waited for this!

"Kirishima I swear to god you're so cheesy..."

''So..were a 'thing' now right, like just to make sure-"

"Yes Kirishima.."

Words 2120

So like from the beginning I had planned to make this a slow burner but I couldn't help it i-


I Have To Love Myself First | KiriBaku Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang