[7] Bakugo's Birthday Special

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A few days had passed, and before Bakugo or Kirishima knew it, it was the weekend... A very special weekend. Mina, sero, kaminari and Kirishima were all lounging around the common room, texting eachother on the one group chat the whole bakusquad was on; Bakugo had decided to completey erase it from his memory. They had exchanged stifled giggles and ugly laughs as they shared stolen memes they found from dank instant-gram accounts to eachother. When Kirishima absent-mindedly checked the date on his phone he gasped loudly and sat up right on the sofa, making the other three teens jump in their spots. "Kiri, what's wrong?" Mina asked, her eyebrows upturned, slightly concerned for the red head next to her. "Yeah dude, what's up?" Kaminari chimed in, stoking the jet black hair of the teens head resting on his lap (A/N We stan kamisero in this household, mkay?).

"Guy's... It's Bakugos birthday
..." Kirishima said slowly as internally slapped himself for forgetting his best friends birthday. But since the ash blonde never made a big deal about it purposefully, it was easy for the thought to slip Kirishimas mind... Yet that really wasn't an excuse... oopsie. All heads snapped towards the red head and the three pairs of eyes widened. "Today's Bakugo's birthday?" Sero questioned, arching his brow. "Now that I think about it... Bakugo's never reminds us about his birthday... He never mentions his birthday in general.." Kaminari said, saying something smart for once. "Which... Is why we have to do something super extra for his birthday!" Mina excitedly chirped, springing up from the sofa, jumped up and down. "We could totally go out for karaoke or to a super cool restaurant. Oh! We could just have a party in the common area and like, totally invite everybody from class 1-A, actually he probably- definitely wouldn't want that-" Kirishima cut off Minas annoying rambling. "I know Bakugo, he doesn't like to go big or all out for stuff like this, we would just anger him if we threw a huge party for him."

Mina slumped her shoulders, a huff escaping her lips. "You're right... Well then what would he like?" The pink female slightly whined. "Definitely something small... Like maybe hangout with the four of us and have a cake? No, can't really have a cake, he doesn't like sweets." Kirishima scratched his un-spiked hair as he thought of ways the bakusquad could celebrate their holy gods birthday uwu. It wasn't that late into the day, only 6 pm, so they had enough time to set something small up. "Oh oh! What if we all had a little birthday sleepover thing in Bakugos' dorm!" Mina spoke triumphantly, pleased with the idea she thought of. All four heads nodded in agreement at the idea of a sleepover. "Great! I'll be in charge of entertainment, such as movies. Sero, you will be in charge of snacks. Kaminari, you'll be responsible for the blankets and pillows and such. And Kirishima...just be you I guess...Bakugo will be pleased with you either way..." Mina ordered, mumbling the last part under her breath. "What-" Mina cut off the confuzzled red head. "Let's all go prepare for what we need and stuff, and meet back here in an hour, sound good?" Determined 'Yeps' came from the boys.

An hour or so later, the four teens were all cramped up together in the common area, bags of things hanging from their shoulders. "Sooo, now that we have everything... How are we gonna just walk into Bakugos dorm and say we're hosting a sleepover at his place and not get blown up? 'Cuz I really didn't think of that..." Minas lips softly pouted as she spoke. "Just have Kirishima ask him about it, Bakugo can never say no to him." Sero spoke wisely, resting his chin on his electric boyfriends' shoulder. "What makes you say that?" Kirishima said defensively, Sero just shrugged his shoulders, a sly smile on his features.

Eventually, Kirishima had gave into the bakusquad and was now headed up to Bakugos' dorm. He nervously knocked on the door, praying the ash blonde was inside. The red head was greeted by a disheveled Bakugo in comfortable looking sweats. "What is it, Kirishima?" Bakugo spoke in a gruff voice which sent shivers down Kirishimas spine. "W-well um I was wondering... If Mina, Kaminari, sero and I could have a little sleepover at your dorm for... You know, your birthday?" Kirishima fiddled with his fingers, feeling small under Bakugos sharp gaze. "Hell no." Bakugo spoke rather quickly, knowing if he stared at Kirishimas' pleading face any longer he would surely give in. "Please..?" Kirishima begged, puffing out his cheeks and putting on his best puppy dog eyes. There was a short pause, Bakugo admitted his defeat and deeply sighed though his nose. "Alright fine, you shitty extras can have a damn sleepover here for my... birthday... Or whatever.." The blonde said, already regretting his decision. "Thanks Baku-bro, you won't regret this!" Kirishima chirped excitedly, and the now bubbly red head was on his way back to the common area.

The bakusquad was setting up in Bakugo's dorm as Bakugo already started to yell about god knows what. Kaminari set up blankets and pillows on the floor creating a good enough space for the teens to lay on. Mina thanked the heavens that Bakugo was a rich kid because he had a fucking TV and Xbox in his room so she had something to play the movies she brought on. Sero neatly set the snacks in front of the pillow and blanket thing Kaminari made, and made sure everything was spill proof since he would most likely get blown up if he stained the floors of the blondes room. Kirishima sat on the sitting space Kaminari made while he was waiting for everyone to get settled.

The order in which everyone sat was, Kirishima, being the closest to the wall, then Bakugo, Mina, Kaminari and Sero. It was a tight yet comfortable space, Mina took out her small tote and read out all of the movies for everyone to hear. "Let's watch this one." Bakugo spoke, picking a movie out of the pink girls' bag. "Halloween?" The other three males spoke in sync, all secretly pussys that hold a burning hatred for horror movies. "Yes. It's my favorite movie... I feel like I should be able to pick which one we watch since, after all, it is my birthday." He did it, the bastard really fucking did it, he pulled out the 'It's my birthday card', that smug little bitch. Every one groaned, admitting defeat.

They squad was around 30 minutes into the movie. Mina was curled up close next to kaminari as the electric blonde cuddled with his boyfriend. Kirishima was totally being unmanly and squeezing a pillow whenever he sensed a jump scare coming. Everyone was munching on snacks... Except for Kirishima, which Bakugo took notice of. Bakugo sneaked small little glances of Kirishima every now and then, thinking how fucking adorable it was when he rested his chin on the plush softness of the pillow he was clinging onto. Kirishima was eyeing Kami and Sero, deeply wishing that was him and Bakugo. Kirishimas' gay thoughts we're interrupted by an unexpected jumpscare. The red head quickly buried his head into the side of Bakugos neck. But was completely surprised when he felt the blonde felt head resting on top of his and a warm arm snake around his lean waist. He felt his breath hitch in his throat but slowly melted into the calming touch. Kirishima let the pillow rest on his lap and curled up next to Bakugo.

Hours later after several movies and snacks, soft snores and breaths filled Bakugos' dorm. Kaminari, Sero and Mina were a tangled mess. Bakugo and Kirishima laid next to eachother, both of the boys' fingers wrapped around eachother in the middle of them.

Let's just say when Mina woke up before all of the boys, she had perfect blackmail and an angry Bakugo chasing her around the halls while a certain red head was panicking like the smol bean he is uwu.

A/N sorry uuhhhh haven't updated in a while oops-
but I appreciate all of you for waiting ig uwu I really don't have an excuse
Here have this

A/N sorry uuhhhh haven't updated in a while oops-but I appreciate all of you for waiting ig uwu I really don't have an excuse Here have this

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