[6] Rejection is Always The Worst

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A/N yooo I just realized how clickbait-y this title is... well I'm keeping it but, it's not what you think owo

The two boys were walking back to Bakugos' dorm with a comfortable silence between them. Kirishima suddenly felt ill. Without consulting the blonde, Kirishima burst open his own door, fleeing over to his trash can. He fell to his knees and gripped his shaky hands around the bin. "Oi, Kirishima! What the fuck are you-" Bakugo stopped himself at the sight of the obviously distressed red head. Kirishima hurled into the bin, his body was rejecting the food he had ate earlier. Since he hadn't ate in a long time, he body wasn't used to having real food in his digestive system. He had small heaving and gagging intervals between the puking. Bakugo had already rushed to Kirishimas side, holding back his hair and rubbing his back.

This went on for a few agonizingly longs minutes. Cold sweat ran down the red heads face as his hands were shaking and his knees felt weak. Kirishima dry heaved into the bin one more time as the puking session was finally over. "C-can you hand me my water bottle?" He spoke in a small, scratchy voice. Bakugo did as he was asked as he spotted a half empty water bottle sitting on the corner of Kirishimas' nightstand and handed it to the teen. Kirishima took a few gulps of water, his face scrunching up slightly as he some what swallowed the lingering, disgusting taste of the bodily fluids.

Kirishima put the cap back on the bottle and set it aside. He took a few deep breaths to really compose himself. "So, are you good now?" Bakugo asked, his soft spot for the red head showing. Kirishima coughed lightly into his elbow before replying "Yeah, I am now, I guess..." He wipped the sleeve of his jacket against his lips. The red head mustered up all of his energy that was left to form an almost genuine lop sided smile. He was really happy to be spending his time with the explosive blonde, even it is wasn't for the best reasons... and that the other boy actually cared for him.l? Kirishima wasn't too sure of that, but he still really liked seeing this side of Bakugo either way. The insecure boy thought about something and his short-lived smile faded. He looked down at his hands folded on his lap "Sorry for being such a... You know... a  burden. I'm always ruining everything-" Bakugo cut off Kirishima.

"Don't say that! You'e not a burden! You're amazing and I like spending time with you-" Bakugo widened his eyes at what he let subconsciously slip from his mouth. Blood rushed to the tips of the ash blondes' ear and quickly spread to his cheeks. He whipped his head to the side to hide the flush atop of his face. Kirishima looked up with a real, toothy grin plastered across his lips. "Really?! You mean it?!" Bakugo turned slightly to see that smile he missed so much. The brightness radiating from his shark like teeth amazed him. He remembered the first time he saw that stupidly adorable smile at the entrance exam that made his stomach do leaps and his insides turn to mush. A small smile of his own creeped up onto his features. Bakugo made sure to use the right words to keep that smile on Kirishima face, he didn't want to ruin the moment. "Tch... Yes I mean it, Kirishima... Don't make me say it again."

Kirishima quickly eloped the ash blonde in a bro hug. "You have no idea how much those words mean to me!" The red head chuckled, enjoying the musky sent and warmth of Bakugo. Bakugo froze, not quite expecting the hug from Kirishima, but hey, he wasn't complaining. He slowly snaked his arms around the said red head, loving every moment of the hug. Normal bro's hug and do stuff like this right?

Yeah... Bros definitely do stuff like this...

A/N sorry for the short filler chapter :/. I'm just not very happy with my writing and don't want to disappoint you guys. Some of this stuff will kind of maybe not matter in the next chapter so that's why some of this isn't really filler material. But anyways I just hope you enjoyed the kiribaku fluff ;-;.

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