Pregnant 2

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After the happiness that envolved them after seeing their baby, the fears returned.
Now that they would be parents, they wouldn't be able to do what normal teenagers would do. Apart from that, everyone would be talking about that, telling lies about them and their relationship, they needed to tell her parents, and also Tony. The teens were terrified.

They didn't know when they should tell her parents, but soon. They were starting to suspect, and she knew it. Her sister defended her the best she could, but her parents were both clever and observant, like her.
After weeks of thinking, they decided it was time.

MJ called her family telling them she had to tell them something really important. When they were all reunited: her dad, mum and sister, she spoke

"I need to tell you something really important but I don't want you to be too angry at me, please" Tears were starting to come out of her eyes.  "Well, I-I dont know how to tell you this... First of all, I know I fucked up big, I know, so I dont need you to remind me how much of a dissapointment I am... "
"Michelle, please, tell us whats going on, we can and we WILL help you, whatever it is" her min told her, a mix of love and worry in her eyes.
"You promise me?"
"We do Michelle" her dad was talking now "we will always support you, and we are proud of you"
"Okay, here it goes... I'm pregnant."
"Calm down calm down okay? Don't you see shes enough sad?" Her sister was defending her once again.

After talking with her parents, she felt a lot better, now that she didn't need to keep that a secret from then. Although they were still angry and concerned, they were taking the news better than expected, which was good. They would probably scream and get very angry when she wasn't around.
It was then when they heard a knock in the door. MJ remembered: Peter. He was coming over to help her if her parents overreacted. She began to walk to the door to open it when her mother stopped her.
"MJ darling, you didn't tell us who the father is..."
"Yeah well... You already know him and... well, hes here"
"WHAT?" her dad was now angrier.
"We talked and he wanted to be with me so..."
She opened the door, and Peter came into her house.
"Hello... before you say anything, I wanted to tell you that Im really sorry that all of this happened, but it did, and there's no comeback... so, I'll be here to help your daughter and our baby, whatever happens"
"Peter, MJ, couldn't you be more careful?"
"I thought you both were cleverer"
"Peter, I trusted you, I thought that with two teens like you, nothing like this would 've happened, but it did. I'm dissapointed" her father told them.
"But still, we're glad youre the dad." Her mum remarked.
"Thank you so much for being supportive, we're sorry too, but we need your help." Her mother smiled softly at him:
"Have you already told your parents?"
"Emm- I-"
"Peter, he-"
"Don't worry MJ, I'll tell them myself. Well, you see, I don't have parents, they died when I was 4. I live with my aunt."
"Oh, we're sorry, we didn't know..."
"You live good with your aunt?" He smiled at her parents, grateful that they cared for him, even under that situation.
"Yes, don't worry. I love my Aunt May, she always helps me with everything."
"And yes " MJ continued "she knows. We were planing how to tell her, and she heard us"
"Is she supportive?"
"Yes, she the best. She even came with us to the doctor appointment to see the baby"
"What?! MJ! Show us those pictures now!"
"So your not mad?"
"Yeah, we are, but we will discuss that later. You need us now"
"So, how long are you pregnant?" Her dad asked.
"1 month and a half"
"And you tell us now!?"
"I was really scared of how you would react!"
"I already knew" said Allison, her sister.
"Everyone knew except us!" Her mom said, part joking, part seriously.
"How more people are you planing on telling? Now that your aunt knows and everything."
"Well" Peter started ", we have to tell Ned, he is our bestfriend, Betty already knows and you too so..."
"We have to tell Tony, soon. And the rest too. You know they will eventually find out, and they could be great help and support" MJ said this looking at him, forgeting about her parents.
"Yeah, I know... But I don't know how to tell him... And tell the rest... thats easier, the girls will be delighted to have a baby around, I also know how much you enjoy being with Nat, Wanda and Pepper."
"What exactly are you talking about?"
"You remember we're here, don't you?"
"Oh well, you see, Peter here, has a..."
"I have an internship at Stark Industries, the Tony we were talking about is Tony Stark, and "the rest" were the Avengers..."
"What?! You know them?!" Allison screamed, she was speachless.
"You work with him? You must be super smart!" Her mum was impressed, and that was difficult.
"And youre going to tell them because... you need more free days or something right?"
"Well, I am more than a usual intern. I am what the Avengers call 'family'. The avengers treat me like one of them, and Tony is the closest thing I have to a father, although I don't tell him that"
"Wow, I didn't expect that. An afternoon full of revelations"
"I sugest you to tell him soon, that will be the best"

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