Secrets spilled // Chapter 13

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// ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️// slight smut. // you have been warned. //

Ivan's POV:
I woke up and saw my Sunflower. So cute. He was drooling but I didn't care. But, he was naked. Which I didn't mind either.

I got up and put on a robe. I still had my scarf on of course. I turned to look at Alfred, still asleep.

I quickly walked down stairs and started breakfast.

Alfreds POV:
I opened my eyes to empty bedsheets, I started to panic. But I smelled the pancakes downstairs and calmed down. Speaking of down, that's where I looked.

Ah! I'm naked! Oh yeah.. Images from last night played in my head. I blushed profusely.

When I tried to stand up, I fell back on the bed, "Ow! My ass!" I rubbed my sore bottom. How am I gonna walk downstairs?

I looked around, I spied a pair of Russian flagged boxers. Giggling, I put them on and laid on the bed in a sexy position (?). "Oh Ivan~!" I hollered.

I guess I was pretty loud because in two seconds flat, Ivan barged in. He saw me and laughed, "I thought you were dying!" We both laughed our asses off. I stopped laughing and started doing more sexy positions (?).

"What are you doing sunflower?" He titled his head, smirking.

"Pull on this piece of hair and you'll see." I pointed to my cow-lick. (I know it's only the Italians who have the erotic thingies but I wanted to add it).

He walked over to me and tugged on it softly, probably not wanting to hurt me. But it still gave me a rush, "A-ah~!" I moaned out.

He looked at me with wide eyes, "What? This is your sweet spot? Could've told me that last night!" He tugged again, this time harder.

"Fuck! Ah~!" I moaned louder, making him tug  even harder. I almost fell over from leaning into his hand, "YES! Ah!~ IVAN!" I could help from screaming his name.

I was just about to cum but the door bell chimed. Ivan took his hand away, "No! Please! I was just about to!" I begged.

"Hold on Sunflower. I need to make sure it's not the tea loving guy." He grabbed a pipe from under the bed and went downstairs. I pouted and tried to tug on my own cow-lick, my orgasm was quickly fading. But alas, when I did it, nothing ever happened.

Grr! I needed to see who interrupted my orgasm. I gathered my strength and got over the stinging pain in my ass. I crept down the stairs, I heard a girls voice. And another blonde head with a white bow on their head.

"I heard screams! Who are you torturing now?!" She screamed at him. Torturing? Did he torture people? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ivan yelled back at her, "Natalya! It's none of your business!"

"What's happening Ivan?" I walked down the stairs when I recognized the name. It was Belarus. "Alfred?! Why are you at my brothers secret house?! Why are you half naked?!" She screamed at me.

"Woah, woah, calm down." I rubbed my eyes. "Has he been torturing you?!" She eyed my scars on my back and on my arms. I hadn't even noticed that Ivan never said anything about them, Iggy didn't because he already knew.

I was snapped from my thoughts as Belarus charged at me, "Or are you screwing my future husband?!"

"Natalya! Don't!" Ivan held her back, she was screaming to be let go. "Um.. Hold on Alfred, sorry." He grabbed he phone and dialed what I assumed to be Ukraine's Number. Because about two seconds later, Ukraine showed up and dragged away her rabid sister.

"Sorry Sunflower." He rubbed my back, where my scars are. "How come you never asked?" I looked at him with sad eyes. "Asked what?" He looked at me with confusion.

"My scars.."

"Oh Sunflower.." he grabbed me, pulling me on the couch. "Because I know it's personal."

"If you knew, you wouldn't wanna love me anymore.." I quietly muttered.

"Don't say that!" He squeezed me into a hug. "I will love you no matter how dark you are, no matter how much you love me, no matter how much you love yourself."

Tears flowed from my eyes, I hugged him back, sobbing into his robe.

"Oh my Sunflower, don't forget, the light can't come without the darkness coming first." I cried until I was drained.

"It was England.. the war. He didn't wanna let me go.. So he would try to beat it into me to stay with him. He would whip me until I was bloody." I spilled my heart to him tears still falling.

His eyes turned red and hair turned black. "He did what?"

"Russia.. Don't.. He's changed.." I cried into his robe again, hoping to turn him back. It worked thankfully.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to.. But give me the command and he'll be gone." He held my hands in his. "I have a question to ask though.."

I looked up at him, "What is it?"

"I know it not be the best time to ask.. But.." He hesitated for a second, Ive never seen him so anxious. "Are there such things as State personifications?"

My heart stopped. Oh no.

Oooohh a cliff hanger! Also! For you UkUs fans, I made a separate book for that. Although it is nyo America.

It does not link to this book in anyway. It's a whole other AU. So if you like UkUs you can look at it!


Clueless Boy // Rusame // UkUs //Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin