‘Be calm, children,’ came a familiar voice, ‘I come not to harm you, but from the Mountain Clan, to greet the new chief.’

I lowered my bow, and Jay followed my lead. ‘I hope your instincts are correct, Rose.’ Jay told me, as the man stepped slowly out of the shadows.

I gasped as I saw him. ‘Cirrus?’ I whispered, recognising his chocolate brown eyes, and his raven black hair.

‘I promised I’d come back for you someday, Rose. I missed you.’ He told me slowly. ‘You look so grown up. I’ve been seeing you as a toddler still, I forgot how old you are.’

‘Excuse me, Rose, but who is this?’ asked Jay, irritatedly, looking at Cirrus suspiciously.

‘This is Cirrus, Jay!’ I explained, ‘You know, I’ve told you all about him!’

‘I guess…’ said Jay, still not looking too pleased.

‘Let us take you back to the tribe, Cirrus. I’m sure they’ll be most pleased to see you. I am not sure where you will be accommodated, but…’

‘Thank you, Rose, but there should be another member of his tribe, so where is she?’ Jay asked.

‘Be calm, young man.’ Cirrus smiled, ‘Stratus is awaiting me, back in the trees. As soon as you are ready, we can collect her, and set off.’

‘I can’t wait to meet her!’ I cried. I felt so exuberant and happy. I hadn’t realised how safe I’d feel with him. I couldn’t wait to talk properly.

Stratus turned out to be a young woman, possibly a little older than Cirrus. She looked similar to him, with hair that was a similar colour, and hazel eyes with that same glint. She had similar mannerisms, I noticed, holding herself tall, in a way that the forest clan never had. She was stood in amongst the trees, alone, and yet she didn’t seem at all afraid, in the dark, and somehow, that seemed strange to me. For all that I was unafraid of everything, one thing did scare me, and that was being all alone.

‘Cirrus.’ Stratus smiled faintly. Her face was unreadable, and I couldn’t tell her emotions, like I could with most people.

‘Stratus, you won’t believe it, but I happened to come across this young man, having a picnic, and he is going to show us where to go.’ He told her, lying imperceptibly. For some reason, Cirrus said nothing of me. Just as I went to step forward, he whispered, ‘Stay hidden, Rose. I don’t know how she will react to you yet, and I don’t want to put you in danger.’

I nodded in reply, and skipped slowly, ducking behind trees, keeping next to them. Soon enough they arrived and I waited for Cirrus to tell me to come out. He took his time, and I was wondering what was going on, when Jay came to tell me to come, quietly, back to my house.

We walked stealthily, and unseen, towards my hut, past where the villagers were building a large campfire in the centre of the village, and into the quiet confines of my house.

‘Why can’t I go out?’ I asked Jay, confused by all the sneaking around we were doing.

He sighed, seeming worried. ‘It’s because you’re different, Rose. You must have noticed that you don’t look like us.’

‘Of course I have, but I always assumed that I was of another tribe…’

‘I’m sorry Rose, but the others have arrived now. You’re not one of them… The river clan have light brown hair, and blue eyes, the ocean clan blonde hair with a tint of green and green eyes, the marsh people have black skin, and dark hair and eyes, and those of the tundra have skin like ice, icy blue eyes, and white-blonde hair. You are not like anyone else.’

Tears stung my eyes as I realised that I was, am, alone in this world. There was no other with red hair like mine, no one of my clan. I had no tribe. ‘I am not alone. I can’t be!’ I cry, the tears threatening to spill down my cheeks, my face like fire.

‘I’m sorry.’ Jay tells me, and leaves the hut, leaving me alone, as I shall always be.


A/N: So this chapter tells you a little more about Rose's world, and Cirrus returns! I hope you enjoyed it. Rose is now thirteen, and living with the people who took her from Cirrus. But why does Cirrus not seem more hostile to them, and why is Rose being hidden from the other Clans? Where are her family, and why is she the only one who looks the way she does?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please comment and vote. Dedicated, as always, to my lovely bezzie, Scammy4eva :)


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