"Wae? Is there anything wrong?" Bangchan asked as he saw the expression on Hyun Jin's face.

"Uh nothing." Hyun Jin shook his head and pulled his phone out.

Even though Hyuna said Chaeyoung was talking nonsense earlier but it was making Hyun Jin anxious as what Chaeyoung joked as he thought about it.

On the phone call,

"Hyuna aa, where are you?"

"Hyun Jin! Help me!" Luckily she replied.

"Wae wae?!"
"Where are you?!"

"I am in the elevator." ( because not on the hellevator ; Puns intended )
"But the light is off and it stopped."

"Really?! I will get the staff for you, don't worry." Hyun Jin walked away from the rest of their friends.

"Hyun Jin aa! Don't end the call!"

"Okay, just talk to me and don't be scared." Hyun Jin said in concern.

"Where are you?" Hyuna was being impatient as she was scared to be stuck in the elevator alone.

"Heading to the control room."
"Jamkan Hyuna aa,"
"I need to talk to the staff."


"Krikkk," that was the sound of Hyun Jin opening the room door.

"Yes, what can I help you with?" The staff asked as he saw Hyun Jin walking in.

"My friend is stuck in the elevator. Can you instantly help her out?" Hyun Jin was talking.

"Really?! Wait a second, I will call the mechanics." The staff replied and began to dialled a number.

"Hyuna aa, you will be fine. We just need to wait a little more." Hyun Jin said through the phone.

"I am sca-" she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Tut tut tut," the line was cut.

End of phone call.

"Excuse me!" Hyun Jin got more panicked the line was cut.
"How long do we need to wait?"

"We will be there in a minute." The staff replied and Hyun Jin rushed out from the room.



There were mechanics surrounding the ground floor elevator. Hyun Jin impatiently walked to the elevator, hoping that it would open any sooner.

"What is happening?" Woojin came to Hyun Jin as he saw him fidgeting.

"Hyuna is stuck in there. They are trying to get her out." Hyun Jin replied.

"Really?! What the?!" Woonjin freaked out and waited along with Hyun Jin.


Lover or Not / Hyunjin - Straykids ( 스트레이 키즈 )Where stories live. Discover now