Chapter 12

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"Hello?" Keith yelled at the top of his lungs, glancing around him in an attempt to figure out where he was. He was surrounded in a blackness that had become much too familiar for him. His breathing was picking up in speed as he frantically glanced around him in search of any signs of colour.

Starting to walk to see if he could get anywhere, Keith continued shouting out. When he realised everywhere was filled with the same blackness, he broke out into a sprint, despite his entire body begging him to stop. He ran until he couldn't run anymore and his knees gave in beneath him. He started to fall but it seemed like the floor didn't stop him. He fell and he fell, his body feeling as if it shared the weight of a feather. Just as he was about to let frustration and desperation take over, he started to hear voices. He couldn't make out what they were saying so attempted to run towards them but they were coming from every direction, circling him like a bird circling its prey. They got louder and louder until Keith was able to make out each word. It sounded like he was talking to Pidge but of course it wasn't him because he wasn't speaking. Keith screamed and screamed, unsure as to what was going on but hoping that his voice would somehow be heard.

All of a sudden, a picture began forming in front of him. He stepped closer as the lines became clearer and the picture became more vivid. It was him and Pidge in the main control room of the Castle. The fake-Keith had a harsh grip on Pidge's arm and was threatening her.

"Pidge!" Keith yelled. "That's not me! Don't listen to him! Pidge!" Tears were streaming down his cheeks as Pidge stormed out of the picture, her own eyes glistening. "Don't hurt her, please!" Keith wasn't even sure who he was trying to talk to but he begged them to listen. "Do whatever you want to me, just don't hurt Pidge!" Keith collapsed onto his knees, the image of his own hand wrapped around Pidge's wrist burnt into his mind.


"Allura, I need to speak to you," Shiro murmured, tapping the princess's shoulder to gain her attention. She swerved around with raised eyebrows and a pair of crossed arms. "It's about Keith."

"Keith? Is he alright?"

"Uh... not really... He told me that he has been hearing voices." Shiro shifted his weight from one foot to the other as a frown spread across his face. Allura started to chew on her lip, realising how serious it was. She had only expected him to mention Keith's shutdown at the space mall; not something so concerning that could prove to be a massive problem for the team.

"Oh dear..."

"I know. When I was with him earlier, he was screaming and crying and it was terrifying."

"I'm sure it was... Keith hasn't had it easy recently, has he?"

"He never has, Allura. I- I worry about him. Do you and Coran have something that could help him with the voices?"

"Maybe but we'd have to run some tests to ensure it is suited to human systems as well as Altean. We don't want to do any more harm."


Allura exchanged a small, sympathetic smile with the black paladin. "You don't have to thank me. I just want Keith to be okay."


Hunk couldn't help but notice that Keith hadn't shown up to breakfast. Worried Keith would forget to eat at all, Hunk grabbed Keith a bowl of a granola-like substance (it was crunchy so Keith didn't have any problems with it) and headed to Keith's bedroom to check on him. With the hand that wasn't holding the bowl, Hunk knocked. A short moment later, the door flew open to reveal Keith but he was scowling. "What do you want?" He snapped, folding his arms and raising his eyebrows.

"You didn't come to breakfast so I brought you some food. I don't want you starving yourself again." Hunk explained with a friendly smile on his face. He held the bowl out for Keith to take but the red paladin just stared at it and rolled his eyes.

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