Beyond-Love True and Real

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In a Galaxy far far away

Elena put her uniform on. Then sat down in front of the big mirror, skillfully plaiting her long brown hair tightly and spun them to tuck them in a bun. She put her cloak on. And looked at herself just one more time. She was to give a speech in front of the whole Galactic Vampire Council.

The door of her chamber buzzed and Elena opened it by voice command and Caroline came in.

"Ready to rock the Council?"- Caroline asked.

"Ready. I can slay a zillion galactic demons- but this I had to practice more than the crane move"- Elena admitted.

Elena put her Slayer accreditation on and the two women got out of the private chambers.

"Did you get the memo about your new Guardian?"- Caroline asked.

"Yes."- Elena said not really pleased-"I have no problem with knew people, but for this mission I would really like to go with someone I knew really well".

They got into the lift.

"You mean Drake?"- Caroline said.

"We worked well." - the slayer sighed thinking of her partner.

"How are his injuries?"- Caroline inquired

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"How are his injuries?"- Caroline inquired.

"I have seen him earlier. It doesn't look so good. The poison is still in his system".- Elena explained.

Both of them walked out of the lift and soon found themselves with other slayers and the council members.


A few hours later

Elijah waited in front of the main Council conference room.

He stood up as Elena approached him

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He stood up as Elena approached him. They greeted one another formally.

Elijah was one of the very old vampires. Trillion years old. They had no emotions. Their prime focus was to work as Guardians. He was the last of his kind. For him to be chosen to become her Guardian was a special honour. Elena knew that.

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