Rebound - 2

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Chateau Allemagne-en-Provence, France, 33 km away from Manosque

"The Provencale witches used Amara and Silas' blood to seal this door." Elijah said.

"And they never thought anyone would be able to open it. But the craziest thing actually is that Katherine had unlocked the traveller's magic in me when she possessed my body." Elena said.

"Something bad for something good." Elijah remarked as he collected the box with the scrolls from a niche behind the door.

"So, we're done here?" Elena asked closing the secret door shut.

"We are." Elijah replied. "I do have one meeting in Aix-en-Provence in a few days."

"Right. So, I can do some sightseeing - drink wine and just chill."

"Yes. In that respect - would you care for some lunch now?" Elijah asked.

"Yes - ok." Elena nodded a little and spun around walking out of the library.

Now that they had the scrolls, time out from the world was, as promised, next on the agenda.

Elena instantly loved everything about Manosque and its surrounding area.

The bell towers that speak of the medieval, Roman and even prehistoric history of the place, the cobbled alleys, the cafés, welcoming shops that give a glimpse of the good life in Provence.

Arriving back in Manosque, they sat down in a bistro.

"I could actually stay here for a while.

"If you seek silence and peace, this is the place. You will be sure to find your rest here, even through the peak of tourist season." Elijah said.

"When did you first come here?" Elena asked.

"In 1206, I persuaded Guillaume IV, the last count of Forcalquier, to grant the city certain privileges. Then it was nothing like it is now, but the area, the nature, had a magical appeal. Every so often I would take time away from the world and my family and spent it here."

"You mean - away from Klaus." Elena, forward as always didn't take any prisoners.

"Yes. As you know that after everything with Katerina - Katherine," the Original corrected himself, "we disagreed on many things - I needed an escape. This places had always provided it."

Elena nodded a little. She knew all too well about his family's history.

Taking a sip of the wine they were served, her attention reverted to a group of women, who were chatting about their visit to the L'Occitane Factory and its Boutique Museum store. The perfumes they opened took her back to the infinite lakes of lavander fields, moors of thyme, oak groves.

She felt that was actually in a strange kind of magical wormhole, something she had experience once before. She suddenly fluttered her eyes closed and then opened it again.

Elena took her glass of wine and walked over to the painting that caught her eye as they entered.

Elena took her glass of wine and walked over to the painting that caught her eye as they entered

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