Chapter 6- Tulgey Woods

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     You fall through a the metal contraption for what seems forever. You pass metal beams until suddenly, bright blue light bends in with the metal rods. They completely vanish, only leaving your body to float down into a blue sky.

      You hesitantly glance down spotting a deacying forest below your feet. Black light appears on your pale skin, quickly circulating up your arms and legs like veins. Fear pumps into your heart as you watch the substance take over your body like a host. Then, it explodes causing your outfit to transform into a red dress with a white apron around your waist, a key necklace, pure black stockings, and combat boots.

      Your skirt pops up like a umbrella, slowly gliding you to a clear meadow. You heels hit the ground softly, your skirt falling to your knees. You cautiously look around while stepping closer to the tree line. The trees are withering while their branches twist around each other. A cold breeze blows your way, moving your (h/c) locks away from your shoulders.

       Fog covers the ground, no sound of animals can be heard, the grass below your feet is a light brown color, and finally a dirt trail leads deeper into these haunting woods. You sigh and step onto the trail. You walk down the path, sticks cracking under your feet.

      Suddenly, lightening cracks across the sky. You jump, automatically stopping in your tracks. Alertness wakes in your bones as you look to your left. Your eyes immediately lock onto a dark shape lingering next to a shape. You raise an eyebrow in confusion.
      "What kind of Wonderlamd is this? This place is so messed up and twisted," you shake your head at the thought while the shape moves closer.

     It's body is completely covered in black like a shadow. It's red eyes glow like a burning flame while red stitches of hearts are engraved in it's arms and legs. You step back a step as your eyes lock onto the blades replacing it's hands. It tilts it's head to the side, it's flaming eyes burning into your souls.

     Static hits your head like a tidal wave, pain filling your skull like a explosive. You place both hands on your temples and gaze up at the strange creature. Suddenly, it charges forward, leaping into the air and landing directly in front of you. You stumble backward almost tripping over your own feet. It swings the blade at your head, a growl escaping it's stitched up mouth.

     You duck your head, quickly sitting down on the ground. The creature snaps it's head down at you, the static in your head popping your ears. You scramble backwards until your back hits a tree. You lift up your head, your eyes growing wide. You watch as it tilts it's head to side with what appears to be a strained smile on it's lips. You watch as the blade comes down toward your head.

      Suddenly, someone jumps in front of you, landing graceful on their feet. You look up meet Cheshire's skinny frame. His height blocks out any view of the creature while you hear him laugh darkly. He puts a hand on the right side of his hip, smirking.
     "Let me put you down like the animal you are," he says. His voice is harsh and cruelty drips on every word. 

     The creature responds to his sickness by swings the blade at his head. Cheshire gracefully rolls to the left side, the blade messing it's mark. He quickly stands up straight, his gray cat ears twitching in response to your attacker's moves. Your attacker charges and the next thing you hear is metal clashing against metal as Cheshire's razor sharp claws collide with a axe.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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