chapter 1- I'm not mad

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You make your way down the street. Voices can be heard all around you as people leave their homes, run errands or friends are visiting each other. Your neighborhood is always this loud and busy. A great word to use would be "very eventful."

Sunlight blinds you while several cars pass the street heading into town. Several brick buildings are on both sides of you. You glance at your phone just as your best friend races up to you. She wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against her side. Despite the fact that you refused to join the student Council, a smile on her face.

You fish your phone out of your pocket, clinking on your messages. You tap the most recent message which is from your dad. Your (e/c) eyes scan the letters.

"Hey, sweetie. I'm going to back home, soon. I'm sorry I'll be gone for another week. Tell your mom, I love her." Your friend glances at the text message just as you slip your phone into your hoodie pocket.
"Your dad,again?" She asked, tilting her skull to the side.


You pull away from her, hugging her goodbye. You take a left turn and turn around to come face to face with turn your house. You can see all the lights are off. So, your mom must of left earlier. You sigh lucky, walking up the porch steps and stepping into your home.

You make your way into the living room, tossing your (f/c) bag into the floor. You turn on the tv before, sitting down. You turn on the table lamp next to you and sit on the sofa. You look out of the corner of your eye to see a note written by your mom laying next to the lamp on the tabletop.

You pick it, your eyes scanning the letters.
"Hey, sweetheart. I'm sorry that I'm not home. There was a small problem at Wintergate asylum, tonight. I'll be there for a day or two. I promise, I'll be back home as soon as possible and we're going to your perfect theme park. I love you."

Sadness immediately circulates through your veins. You toss the note into the floor, grabbing the TV remote instead and flipping it to your favorite tv show.

(Twenty minutes)

Suddenly, something flashes across the window closest to the tv. You pull your legs against your stomach out of reflex, your heart beat going into overdrive. Right when you're about to channel the channel to something funny, static fills the screen. Then, it goes completely black. You growl like a dog the moment the rest of the power to your house goes out. Your completely left in pure darkness except for the flashes of lightning outside.

Sadly, the breaker is in your basement.

you fish your phone out of your pocket. You turn on your cell, turning on it's flashlight. You quickly get on your messages and text your friend about what just happened. You stand up, carefully making your way to the wall next to the stairway. You shine the light on the door knob and open the door. You shine the light down the basement stairs and make your way down the steps.

Your bare feet land on the dusty ground. You shone the light around and quickly find the breaker in a far corner of the room. You race up to it and unlock it. You go to open it, but you feel the room get colder and the ground seems to sink.

You hesitantly turn around, shining the light at the ground. Shock claws at your veins as you take in the sight in front of you.

A black hole with gray ripples has emerged in your basement floor. You can feel the wind coming from the vertex along with something terrible lurking inside. Suddenly, the wind gets stronger, knocking you to your feet and dragging you back. You scream as everything fades into pitch blackness.

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