chapter 2- Warnings of Madness

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      Everything goes black for a moment then, bright blue colors appear around you and the next thing you know, you’re falling from the sky. You scream, moving your arms in an attempt to stop falling to your death. Just before you hit the ground, the skirt on your dress spreads out like a parachute and you land safely on your feet. You glance around, taking in your surroundings.

     A white fence surrounds you while several gravestones are scattered about around your feet. Your scan the area, confused. Then, you spot a tall male looking in your direction. He's sitting on one of the gravestones, his legs swinging back in froth while he hums your favorite song to himself.

      He looks up as if he knows someone is watching him. He tilts his head your way, a mad smile appearing on his face.

    He stands up straight, stepping in front of you in one graceful step. His height blocks out any sunlight or any view from behind him. You look up to get a better look at the stranger. Your eyes trace his strong jawline to his eyes.

    His Jet black locks are spiked up a spiky yet attractive while gray cat ears poke out of each side of his head with several piercings in them.

       His smile quickly turns into a smirk.
     "Hello, Alice. Long time since I saw you." He places a gloved hand on top of your head and messes up your (h/c) locks.

    “I'm not Alice. My name is (Y/n).”

    You reply, ignoring his gesture and stepping back. You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at him. The man frowns for a moment then, smiles, yet again.
    "Come on, (Y/n). I'm the new who plays games with you not the other way around."  

    He states, stabbing your nose with a clawed index finger.   

   He moves his hand away from your nose.
    "Did you bring me here?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. He laughs for a moment then stares at you blankly.
    "Yeah, you did."
    He rolls his eyes, roughly grabbing your chin. He tilts your head to the side. You try to pull your head away but it's useless.  
    "Look around you." He says while his nail cuts into your skin.       

     You finally take in your surroundings. The sight in front of you is sad and depressing. Everything seems to be rotting away and decaying. Your wonderland or at least the only wonderland left is dying. Sadness clouds your eyes.
   "You have to fix this, (Y/n)." He says.

   "I don't know." You mumble. He releases your chin while you gaze into his glowing green cat eyes.  

    "I'm afraid, it's time to leave. I'll be waiting, here." He says, his body slowly disappearing into purple dust until there's nothing there.

    Suddenly, the sky above you fades from blue to pure black. A black vertex appears and your dragged off of you feet. You’re pulled back into the vertex. Blackness clouds your vision.

    You feel you body land on something rough. Coldness settles in your bones as you force your eyes open. after a minute, you open your eyes.
   You look around to see your laying on the floor in your basement. You sit up, pain circulating through the back of your skull. You stand up, grabbing your phone. You slip it in your hoodie pocket, placing a hand against the back of your skull.

    “What a strange dream,” you mumble making your way back upstairs.

charming lies (Cheshire cat x reader) Where stories live. Discover now