Chapter 4- Broken dolls & lost souls

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      Your {e/c} eyes flutter open, bright light flashing in your pupils. Then, blackness and finally the room clears up. You glance up to meet a white ceiling. You quickly take in your surroundings realizing a door that leads into the bathroom is in the left corner while a dresser with a TV hanging above it and finally a chair sitting against the wall close to the bed you're laying in.

      You look down at your body to see you're laying in a hospital bed with ivs plugged up to a machine running something throughout your veins. You instinctively reach up, placing both hands on each side of your head. Your {e/c} eyes flicker with shock the moment your fingertips touch something soft.

     You push yourself up to a sitting position turning your head to meet Lilly's frame. She immediately sits up straight, locking eyes with you.
     "Where am I?" You mumble, running your index finger along the bandage wrapped around your forehead.

   "You passed out. Apparently, you bruised your skull on something and fainted from it. The doctors said you could have a really bad concussion," she replies.
      "Oh," you swing your legs over the edge, landing gracefully on your bare feet.

    Lilly automatically stands up, quickly moving next to you.
    "Are you sure about that?" You nod your head.
    "I'll be fine. I'm just going to head back home," you make your way to the door.
    "Are you sure I can leave you?" She asks, suddenly, grabbing your wrist.

   "Yeah. I'll take the elevator down," you mumble, opening the door and stepping into the hallway.  She gives you a quick hug before heading downstairs toward the lobby.

   You make your way across the hall, pressing the button with the image of an arrow pointing down. It automatically glows yellow. You glance out of corner of your {e/c} eyes landing on a tall and lanky man standing in the far corner. Half of his face is shadowed only allowing you to see two bright red glowing eyes gazing back at you.

    You turn around to face the elevator doors. Suddenly, the lights flicker off. You gasp, covering your mouth with your right hand while stepping back a bit. You bump into someone or something. Fear pumps into your heart. A dim light clicks on lighting up the area in front of you and next to you. You lift up your head, your eyes growing wide.

    Three slashes are now engraved in the metal doors while some kind of sparkling black ink splatters onto the tile forming into a shattered heart.

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