"We accidentally knock into her."

"I don't want to hear any of your nonsense. If any of you hurt her one more time, you will get it from me. I don't deserve such fans."

"Let's go Jaeun! Can you walk?"


"Wait.. you have a glass piece inside your knee, if you walk it maybe will go in deeper."

"Then what?"

"I will carry you."

"Others will see."

"You are hurt. Quick."

"Ok ok.." then I got on his back.

As we walk to the office,

"How many times have you been hurt?" Sehun asks.

"Huh... just this time."

"Don't lie. More than twice already right? What did they do?"

"They stalk me home, forced me to eat burgers."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you."

"I am your boyfriend, I can protect you. Being an idol doesn't makes a different."

"I know. I just didn't want to worry you because you are having your comeback and you are already very tired. Furthermore, I didn't want you to be disappointed for having such fans."

"If you got hurt, it will worry more. Tell me Whatever happened to you alright?"

"Ok.. sorry to make you worry."

"Nevermind. Just don't get hurt next time."

When we reach the office, there is not any teacher to help.

"It's so urgent and nobody is here to help?!" Sehun got frustrated.

"We just have to wait."

"Your wound will be infected if it waits any longer. I will do it."

"Huh.. it will be very painful.."

"Bare with it. I will let you pinch me."

"Serious.. can we wait.. omg."


Then Sehun started to prepare the tweezers, cotton wool, bandage and medicine.

"Bare with it Jaeun." he use the tweezers to pick out the glass piece.

"Ah!!!!!" I pinch his arm.

"It's out already!"

"I think I just died."

"Stay still, I will help you put on medicine and bandage it."

He does it attentively.

"Now the other knee, I will bandage it."


"Oh, and your elbow."

"Now you are all injured, you can't participate in the sports anymore." Sehun says.

"I can. See... ouch..." I tried my best to walk.

"See, you can barely walk, don't say run."

"See I caused trouble again."

"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I'm sure Bryan and Joey will understand. Let's go inform the teacher about it."


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