Hidden Feels, Thoughts and Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Well, maybe you should. I think you wanted to but didn't cuz you were scared. Why didn't you bang him when you and Jimin weren't together?"

Images began forming in my mind.

"Ah!" I shook my head. "No. No. No. Liz I don't wanna talk about sleeping with Kai okay?"

She giggled. "Your mind's already working isn't it? That's a sign that you secretly yearn him. I think seeing him again made these feelings rise. But that's just me."

Tonight I'm wearing a black wig with my nerdy glasses. I didn't want people to recognize me as Caleb even though I'm still Caleb I didn't want to look like the original one at least. This wig kind of reminds me of Yesung's hair. The bangs and the hairs style. I liked it.

"You're crazy. Am I done yet?" I asked.

"Yup. All done."

"I need to get dressed for work." I said and went to my closet.

Her words were still stirring in my head. I sighed. It's not like I didn't think about it but I just couldn't. Jimin was always the one, why would these thoughts be occurring now? He did look handsome though, with his blonde hair and-....

I shook my head and stopped the image of him from forming in my head, what is going on with me? Liz messed my head up with that stupid talk...ugh.

I grabbed my work uniform and got dressed. This is gonna be a long shift.


"Kai, you've been lost in thought all day. What's up?"

"I saw a really cute girl today but she was Taecyeon's girlfriend. The thing is though, I've never thought anyone was THAT beautiful except for Karen... I don't know her name but I can't get her out of my mind..."

"Well you should if it's Taecyeon's girlfriend. Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy. I swear I've never been so struck by girl, to me it's always been Karen but that girl...I don't know why but she really caught my eye. She's really cute and adorable, then when she spoke my name I lost it. My heart was racing and only Karen had that affect. Luhan, I'm not sure what to do about this."

"Leave it alone. She's taken, it would be wrong if you tried to take her away from Taecyeon-nim. If they break up then it's different but it's wrong if you plan on stealing her."

"(Sigh). Why are the girls I fall in love with taken. Despite the fact I've made peace with Jimin I'm still not over Karen. It's wrong but the more I think about her, the stronger my feelings for her are. Luhan if I could just have her for 24 hours, it would be enough for me. Just to see how it would be...I envy Jimin."

"Kai, are your feelings for her that strong? I mean she already has twins with him. They're already at the point where soon they'll be married. What're you going to do then?"

"Luhan, I've never and will never love anyone else the way I love her. But I don't understand why that girl I saw today mesmerized me...it was like when I saw Karen for the first time only it wasn't...she didn't even look CLOSE like Karen looks but I don't know. There was something about her."

"What're you going to do if you see her again?"

"Talk to her. That's about all I can do..."


The night shift is hell! I didn't think it was gonna be so hectic! But at least the customers weren't assholes. Not the sober ones anyway, I'm just glad I'm Caleb and not Karen or any other girl alias. These men talk about some vulgar stuff and I'm sure if I were dressed up in girl clothing they'd be all over me and stuff. But yet again girls get way better tips than guys.

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