3:15 p.m

9 1 0

Walking outside the bathroom and looking both ways-- to find Johnny. And the question he needed to ask me was a need for me.

"Where did he stop you?" I ask Gen.

"Down the stairwell," she motions to the stairs. "Coming?"

Walking over to the stairs and praying to find Johnny before he leaves. The windows show not-so-nice powder falling out of the sky.

"We need to find him soon," walking down the flites of stairs.

"How come?" I point over to the big window, now the snow is turning into ice. A "nice" December day!

"Yeah, we might get snowed in!"

"Don't be stupid," rolling my eyes at her while getting to the bottom.

Getting stuck in a school-- ridiculous. No way in a million years are we getting trapped inside of this prison.

"Right," she looks down both hallways to see Johnny at the water fountain. "Johnny!"

Johnny looks up-- first being confused-- but then realized that it was us yelling his name. He smiled showing off his red and green braces. Braces color being for Christmas. It's only twelve more days!

"Found her," Gen moves her hands.

"She sure did," Johnny smiles.

"Is everything okay?" my shy voice speaks. It's embarrassing, everyone thinks I'm boring and not outgoing.

"Yeah," he turns bright red.

"Then why did you make me get her?" Gen interrupts him.

"And I thank you for that," Johnny sounds awkward for the first time ever. His green eyes get big and nose turns red like he's sunburnt.

"So why did you want me?'' you know when you can feel your face burning-- the embarrassment and nerves kick into your stomach. That's what I'm feeling right now.

"It's going to sound stupid," Johnny takes a deep breath.

"Nothing sounds stupid when it comes from you, Recs," Gen says sarcastically. "Trust me."

"We have science together,'' hoping he's going to tell me that he likes me. And not just as a classmate.

"And I think... well... I'm failing the class, Allyson. And you're smart."

The disappointment was shown on my face, "what do you want?''

"Can you possibly tutor me?" Johnny blurts out. "You can say no."

"Sure," shaking my head. "We can start Christmas break."

"Thanks, Mono," he turns around and starts to walk forwards.

Turning around to see the excitement on Gen's face faded as well.

"He's not worth it."

"I know," we go in for a hug.

"Time to go home!"

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