4:00 p.m

3 1 0

We arrived in the art room and the air instantly seems chilly. My shoulders feel cold since they were out in the open-- the joys of having an off the shoulders top.

"This storm came out of nowhere," sighs Dan.

"It's Montana," Gen rolls her eyes. She loves to put people in their place-- when it's not necessary.

"I'm calling my parents," I say as I walk into the back of the room.

It takes them no more than a second to answer.

"Allyson!" mom yells at the phone.

"Yes?" saying even though I shouldn't be surprised.

"Where are you?" she closed the fridge meaning she's making her homemade spaghetti.

"It's going to sound crazy," thinking of ways to tell her.

"Go on," mom sounds concerned.

"Gen and I are trapped in the school," just blurting it out.

"This is no joke, Ally," it's disbelief in her tone.

"Yeah, it's not," replying to her.

"Are you safe," mother shouts into the phone.

"Yeah, Gen, and two other classmates are here with me," starting to pace around the room.

"But you're safe?"

"Mhm," nodding even though she can't see that.

"I can't come to get you since the ice blocked out our driveway," mom isn't mad at me-- but she's not thrilled either.


"Call me if you need anything," her voice sounds nervous as well.

"I will," right as I'm about to hang up she still needs to say something else.

"Goodbye, I love you."

Pretending I didn't hear the last part of what she said. Everyone wonders why I don't open up to everyone. And it's a simple reason. My father killed himself right before I started kindergarten. So mom doesn't use the words love and goodbye. And being shy is what I've learned to do. As people say, "open up and you'll reveal the true you."

Most people don't even learn who they are until they're on their death bed. The moments they look back on their decisions-- good or bad. And then God decides if you go up to heaven or down to hell.

Looking at everyone else-- they're on their phones talking to their parents-- except Johnny. Why didn't he call his parents? The least he could do was call and say he was okay.

"So you need help in science?" walking over to him.

"Yeah," Johnny looks up at me. "My parents will bea-- ground me if I don't get on the high honors. So far, the class is holding me back with a D-."

"I'm sure I can help with that," sitting down next to him.

"Allyson," cutting him off.

"Call me Ally."

"Ally," Johnny laughs. "You're so smart at science, and I'm sure the other subjects. People just overlook you."

"True," shaking my head- agreeing with him. Even though he was one of those people.

"I remember once you got the only passing grade in the class."

That was a good day, "sure did."

"Every guy talks about you by the way," this was news to me-- no guy ever talks to me.

"Huh?" asking him since that was shocking. But before getting answers-- Dan and Gen butt in.

"Guys," Dan has a smile on his face. "We have the whole school all to ourselves."

"And?" Johnny stops our conversation and joins with theirs.

"We have the rule of the school, Big John," Gen gives nicknames to everyone.

"Don't ever call me that," Johnny's face turns red.

"It has a good ring to it," Dan pats him on the shoulder.

"You should be called Little D," Johnny smirks.

"Tooshay," squints Dan.

"Anyway," Gen paused. "For the night we get to adventure around the school."

"The night will be interesting," I reply standing up.

"What are we doing first?" Johnny asks.

"Wait!" Gen replies. "It's not even five yet."

Johnny shakes his head. "All very true facts."

"Maybe we just relax for a while?" Dan asks.

"We can tutor now?" Johnny turns over to me and asks.

"Yes," I reply opening my bags to find my science textbook.


"We got a long way to go," I whispered. "It's the study of life."

"Like The Lion King?'' Johnny asks not understanding it at all.

"Not the circle of life," shaking my head. "How life in the world works."

"Oh!" he says kinda loud. "Like animals."

"Keep it down nerds," Dan yells over to us.

"Not my fault we can read," Johnny throws the textbook at him.

"So much for a study date," whispering so only I can hear.

"Wow," Gen looks spooked.

"Time now?" Dan looks over to Genny. And right as he does... the lights shut off.

Blackness was other than the phone light that barely gives off anything.

"Gym is the place where they have lanterns," I say.

"True," Johnny starts to feel around.

We all turn on our phone flashlights and head into the gym.      

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