Chapter 1

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Short A/N here at the beginning. This is the squeal to 'Corruption of a Princess' I would suggest you read it first. But anyways, just know this follows the second move, but I did make a few changes. For example, Jane and Carlos don't become a thing, that way you guys can be a thing. A few other minor things are changed but I think that's the only big thing. Anyway enjoy.

3rd Person POV

A Group of five teens stood ominously over a boiling cauldron. The two boys dumped apples into the mixture as two of the girls stirred the mixture together. The final Girl, with purple hair, read from her spell book looking to select a spell. Finally, she looks up at the others with a smirk then read from her book.

"wicked ways from within, let all who taste them now join in." She chanted leading to all the kids laughing evilly as they began to sing.

"We are all the ways to be, W.I.C.K.E.D. We are all the ways to be W.I.C.K.E.D."

The purple haired girl struts in front of a line of lockers. She slammed each door as she walked past shaking a can of spray paint as she sang "Crashin' the party, guess they lost my invention."

At the end of the lockers she met up with the (H/C) girl with a half pulled through pony tail that was so long the fold was at her ankles along with the ends of her hair. The two exchanged smiles as a cheerleader came up to them. The first girl tossed a cheerleader her bottle of spray paint as the other gave her one of the apples they had spelled. The second girl continued the song.

"Friendly reminder got my own kinda persuasion." The girls high fived then turned and looked at the boy with white hair.

He continued the song as he dumped out a bucket of apples onto the floor casing a line of students to drop and grab them. They all took a bite then looked over to the boy. He smiled then pushed the empty bucket under them causing them all to jump into the air. The boy then came a slammed a hand onto the locker by the girl with long hair's face before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and grabbing the other girl's hand leading them both away. He did it all while saying.

"Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior, Happily ever after with a little flavor."

Cut to the other boy, with long brown hair. He's at the marching band practice throwing and kicking apples at the students as they try to play their instruments.

He sings "Bad to the bone, with even worse intentions. We're gonna steal the show and leave 'em all defenseless."

"A fairy tale life can be oh-so overrated. So, raise your voices and let's get it activated." The final girl sings as she walks to the podium in her class room.

She sets down an apple what the teacher then picks up and takes a bite from. In that moment the teacher's eyes change and the students all start to sing together.

"Long live havin' some fun We take what we want There's so many ways to be wicked with us evil lives on the right side of wrong There's so many ways to be wicked Apple, apple dip, dip
Wanna try it? Tick, tick Take a bite, c'mon, be bold Change the way the story's told!"

The (H/c) and purple haired girl were together again in the cafeteria. The girl with purple hair held a tray of candy apples while the other passed them out to the students as they came by. The long-haired girl waved at a student as the other began to sing.

"This time the dark is finally getting your attention."

Flash to the final girl who was at the podium in her class flipping through a book. Occasionally she'd look up at the near rioting students in the room with a smile.

Isle's Princess (Sequel to Corruption of a Princess, Carlos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now