"Please call me Vanessa. Thank you and I see that Sean has got himself a stunner."

I looked around blushing deeply but Vanessa pulled me along with her.

"Come on. Let's go to the sitting room." She turned to Sean and said "Your dad is in the study he'll be joining us soon."

I looked back to see Sean smiling. 

We went inside the sitting room which was more like a hall. It was huge and had paintings hanging on the walls and these paintings were not just some paintings but were beautiful paintings. There was one of the beach and it was so perfect that it made me want to visit a beach soon. And they suited the room almost like someone had painted it for that very room.

"I see you like my son's work." Vanessa was looking at me with amusement in her eyes.

"Your son's? You mean Sean painted this?"

I stared at him in awe and he blushed.

"Well I don't have any other son so yes Sean did it. He didn't tell you he paints?"

"No. He didn't." 

I looked at him accusingly and Vanessa laughed.

"It's nothing. Just something I do when I am bored. Vanessa here thinks it's awesome while it actually is quite ordinary." He was looking everywhere but at me.

"Ordinary?!" I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice making him look at me.

"It is beautiful Sean. It is quite the opposite of ordinary."

He looked at me for a while trying to figure out whether I was serious or not and when he was convinced I was serious he grinned. 

"Thanks." He scratched the back of his neck blushing.

"Thank you Aria." Vanessa said.

"Why?" I was confused.

She gestured for me to sit down before continuing, "For making my son realize that he actually has talent. My words had no affect but I see yours do."

I sat down across her in a really comfortable sofa and kept looking at the rich flooring while answering, "You don't need to thank me."

As he neared me I looked at Vanessa and grinned, "I think he just needs a little feeding to his ego now and then."

Vanessa grinned back and Sean stopped right in his tracks. Anything to keep him at a distance. I really wanted to impress his parents and to do that I needed to have control over my senses and having Sean near me always made me do stupid things. I couldn't let that happen today.

"You have known her for barely 15 minutes and you have already ganged up with her against me?" Sean looked at me faking a horrified expression.

I just laughed and Vanessa joined in.

"She is smart Sean." Vanessa replied winking at me.

"Who is smart?" A tall handsome man in his late forties entered the room. He was wearing a violet shirt with black formal pants. Everything about him screamed authority but he had a mischievous hint in his eyes. He came to a halt right when he spotted me.

"Ah. And you must be Aria." He walked towards me making me get up. "Oh no. Don't you get up dear."

But I didn't sit. I approached him and held out my hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you Dr. Prescott."

He raised his eyebrows at his name. "I see you know about my profession." He shook my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Your son told me." 

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