Chapter 34

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The minute I heard that sentence the empty soda bottle fell from my hand and shattered on the floor with a loud crash.  I immediately squatted down and started picking up the glass pieces.

"Aria! What the hell do you think you are doing?" Jason caught both of my hands in his and pulled me to my feet. "Are you insane?"

I could hear him continue scolding me but it was all gibberish to me. Nothing was comprehensible.

"Aria!" He shook me hard by my shoulders and that's when I looked up at him. "Please snap out of it."

I shook my head to clear my brain and said the only thing that was running through my head, "I slept with the enemy."

"What?" He asked me incredulous.

"I slept with the enemy, Jason."

"It doesn't matter. It's not illegal or anything." He pulled up my hands to examine them and cursed, "You cut yourself. What the hell were you thinking?"

He dragged me to the kitchen and stopped right in front of the sink. He opened the faucet and put my hand directly under the stream of water. I winced slightly at the burn but let him wash my wound. After washing he asked me to sit at back at the sofa and went into his room. I examined my cut and it wasn't that deep. It was bleeding a lot in the beginning but after the washing it had almost stopped.

Jason returned from his room with gauge and started wrapping my hand with it wordlessly. Once he was done he put back the extra gauge and sat back in his seat and gave me a hard glare.

"What?" I asked conscious of his stare.

"What? You are asking me that? What is wrong with you? You picked up glass with your bare hands. Do you know how dangerous it can be?"

"I am alright now. It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter. Argh! Women are always so confusing." He ran a hand through his hair in agitation.

"Huh?" Where did this come from? How was me being a woman even related to it?


"Whatever. But why didn't you tell me you knew who I was or who you were?"

"It never came up." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"But -"

"No buts." He cut me off. "We didn't know and it happened. There's no need to over think it. How does it even make a difference?"

I tried to collect my thoughts and asked, "If you are still in school how come you live alone?"

"I asked my dad for a place and he agreed." At my confused expression he continued, "It's a long story."

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"You are so stupid, Aria." He chuckled and moved forward to push back a stray strand of hair from my face. His touch sent tingles through my veins and I jerked back at that harmless touch.

"How are things with your ex?" I asked him trying to remove the awkwardness.

"We are still friends. So, it's alright I guess." He didn't seem to notice.

"Why'd you guys break up?" I hadn't ever asked this question and I wanted to know the answer.

"Like I had told you we had issues in our relationship. But for some reason I always thought we would work out in the end. I ended up being wrong. She decided she couldn't go through with it exactly after we lost the match. Typical Luis." His green eyes had a faraway look, definitely reliving a memory.

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