Chapter Ten

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Dad would often go out in the evenings. He was dating Anita. I don’t know where they went or what they did, but he was very happy. I hadn’t seen him this happy ever before. Alice wasn’t going to let me spend my evenings with her alone though; she knew what I wanted and she kept telling me to do my homework instead.

The last warmth of summer had lasted into the autumn and it could still be sunny and warm in the day, even if the evenings were colder as the nights drew in. Dad surprised me one Saturday by declaring that him and I were going off for the weekend. He got his motorbike out of the lockup and I rode pinion to the coast.

Dad had booked a room at a little inn on the coast road overlooking a little beach. One room, two separate beds and, luxury, an on-suite little toilet and sink. It was lunchtime so we went down to the bar for food.

And in walked Anita with Alice in tow! The moment I saw the girls a lightbulb lit in my head. Of course! Dad and Anita had arranged a nice little naughty weekend and Alice and I were along as a double date!

It wasn’t quite like that. Dad and Anita were trying to keep things clean and safe. The inn only actually had two rooms and the girls booked into the other, sharing. The idea was more a relaxing time together by the sea. It must have been quite confusing to the locals, trying to work out if we were a family, whether Anita could be the mum, who Anita was the mum of, and were Alice and I brother and sister.

Alice was just as surprised as I was. She hadn’t been told it was a double date weekend either. She looked very happy though. We went for a stroll on the beach. It was too cold to swim but the sun shined and, despite the breeze, we didn’t really need coats. I tried to slip our hands together but Alice kept pulling away. Even here she was embarrassed to hold hands in public, to kiss in public. But I found that if I walked really close so our arms just brushed together, our hands just touched accidentally the whole time, she let me get away with it and didn’t pull away. She kept looking at me from the corner of her eye and smiled all the time, fighting back a giggle like we were sharing a secret joke.

The village was basically just a strip of houses, the inn and a post office and grocers on the coast road by a the beach. It was lovely and tranquil and we had it pretty much to ourselves. Dad and Anita also walked on the beach but went in the opposite direction, away from us. I noticed they were holding hands but nothing more than that.

That evening we ate at the inn. I brought the first round and got pints for dad and me and rum and cokes for the girls. Anita and dad seemed a bit uncertain about the drinks angle and warned us to take it easy. We got along great.

By the end of the evening dad and Anita had kissed clumsily a couple of times and Alice had felt so uncomfortable being around them that she had dragged me off to the pool table. She could play pool now and, like everything she did, she did it really well. But tonight she needed coaching and I lent over her and helped her line up the shots and pull back the cue. We were quite giggly.

When the last game was over, and our glasses were empty, time had already been called at the bar. It was time for us to head to bed. Anita and dad had already gone up. We followed.

On the landing it was clear that something was going on. You know what was going on. There was muffled love making sounds coming from the girls room and the ‘do not disturb’ sign was on the door. Alice was panicking. Where was she going to sleep now? Even I, with drinks inside me, knew this wasn’t planned; this wasn’t what dad and Anita had had in mind at all. They had just lost control and not thought this through.

I suggested Alice stay in my room with me. She was defensive, unsure. I pointed out there were two separate beds. I found myself promising that nothing would happen. I guess I meant I wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want to do. Finally, she agreed.

There was an asexual anticlimax as we got ready for bed. Alice insisted that I turn around and not watch as she slipped out of her wooly jumper and jeans and jumped quickly into one of the beds. Then I stripped down to my y-fronts and got into the other bed. I hadn’t insisted she turn around, but she had looked away anyway. Then we turned off the bedside lights and it was quiet and dark. I was listening for the slightly sound, the slightest movement.

A few seconds later I realised that we hadn’t said good night. So I said ‘good night’. A muffled drowsy ‘good night Sam.’ came from the other bed. And then, suddenly, Alice asked for a good night kiss! I was really taken aback but very willing. At first we tried to lean out of our beds and meet across the divide between them. But we couldn’t reach. So I seized the initiative and jumped out of bed and went over to Alice. She was under the covers and I was sitting on her bed leaning over her from outside the covers. The good night kiss was long and involved tongues. I caressed her hair. I didn’t want it to end. Alice rubbed my shoulders and asked if I was cold. I said it was alright. She told me not to be silly and pulled back her covers so I could slip in with her. And so we were now sharing a narrow bed, underneath the covers together and kissing the longest most passionate good night kiss ever.

My hand slipped down and felt her naked arse cheek. I asked disbelievingly if she was wearing anything. Alice giggled and said she was wearing the thong. I felt around and found the tiny thin straps and we kissed even more passionately.

I was actually content to let things be. I was prepared to do anything to spend the night in the same bed as Alice even if the price of that was to do nothing. I was so elated and happy. We pressed together. We ended up me laying on my back with Alice cuddled up tucked up under my arm with one leg across my groin. She must have felt the tent in my y-fronts. It had often come between us before while we cuddled and we’d never mentioned it, just ignored it and pretended it wasn’t there.

We weren’t that tired. We became wide awake. We talked about what might happen if my dad came back to his bed and found us in it. Alice giggled when I quickly nipped out of bed to put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on our door handle. We talked a bit more, speculating if dad and Anita would marry, and how weird that would be for us. My hand cupped an arse cheek and I was content.

Somehow the conversation came around to the thong again. I asked again, “if I buy you underwear, would you wear it?”

She giggled and said of course and that I was silly. She declared she’d only wear underwear I brought her. Perhaps she hadn’t realised what she had just said? For some reason I just did the crazy thing that I was always careful to avoid: I slipped both hands up inside her t-shirt and quickly unclipped her bra! She was shocked and asked me what I was doing. I said that I hadn’t bought it for her. She laughed. The mood lightened and she let it lay there unclipped. I ran my hand up and down her back, on the outside of her t-shirt, excited to feel the new sensation of no bra strap intervening.

I asked her if it was a nice bra. I asked her to describe it. She played along, and before long she gently lifted her shoulders and then, pulling one strap through each arm hole in turn, took the bra off without taking off her t-shirt. I couldn’t quite understand how she’d managed that. She dangled it above me. I could just about make out its outline in the faint moonshine filtering in around the curtains.

I reached up and felt it. It was a very hard thing with padding and intricate embroidery. I said it felt nice. I was intrigued by the padding. But all the time I was really trying to feel Alice’s exposed breasts pressing against my chest through her t-shirt. Alice threw the bra onto the other bed. We settled down snug, sighing contently. But we couldn’t sleep. We were too excited, being so close and so naughty.

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