Chapter Six

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On Wednesday in the form room waiting for roll call the boy sitting next to Alice started asking her if she was going out with me. His name was Roy. He was taunting her, bullying her.
All the rest of the class were laughing at Alice’s discomfort. I jumped up to go thump him but Helen instantly intercepted me, grabbing my arm and pulling me back down into my seat.

“I’ve got this.” she said quietly.

The whole classroom hushed and fell completely silent as Helen rose and walked up the aisle, stopping between Roy and Alice. She leaned down to whisper in Alice’s ear. Alice shook her head but Helen whispered more and Alice got up, her bag on her shoulder, clutching her binder, and came back down the aisle to sit in Helen’s place. I could see the tears welling in her eyes. Alice looked distraught. I wanted to hug her but all my limbs were switched off and I couldn’t move.

With Alice seated, Helen turned very slowly and deliberately to face the boy. The whole class was silent, watching and waiting for the storm that was about to break. Helen, tiny little Helen, pointed a finger accusingly at the boy and said, “If you ever tease Alice again I will make sure no girl in the forth ever sucks your tiny little cock ever again!” There was a vindictive certainty in her voice.

Then Helen spun around sharply and sat down in Alice’s seat. The class erupted into clapping and whistling and laughter and Mr. Davis walked in. It took a few seconds for everyone to realise he was there and the noise to die down. He looked around the room, noticing the agitation from the boys and the changed seating arrangements. Everyone was now dead silent.

“Settle down, settle down.” He just said as though we were still talking and then carried on as though nothing had happened, but his eyes lingered on me, searching, as roll call ended.

So now the whole school thought we were going out, and we went to and from school together and ate lunch together and laughed and had a good time but I was scared that Alice just wanted to be friends. We hadn’t spoken a word about our kiss. We hadn’t touched or anything since. She seemed to be saying “We’re just friends” in every movement. I was gutted, sad, alone.

On Thursday my dad was dressed up in a suit to come with me. He seemed to think this dinner thing was a great idea. I wasn’t so sure. I tried to tell him that Alice and I were just friends. He just smiled.

The door was opened by Anita. She was wearing a short black halterneck dress with netting arms. Her small breasts stood out like two Christmas puddings. She was wearing Alice’s dress! I was a bit shocked. We were ushered in and dad was introduced. Anita led the way through to the kitchen and dad went ahead of me, saving me the anguish of watching Anita’s sexy little butt wiggle as she walked like Alice.

Alice was slicing the salad. Alice was wearing a thin baggy jumper and very tight jeans. Her hair was tamed and she was wearing eye shadow and bright red lipstick, and her cheeks were naturally blushed.

We sat and talked. The grown-ups sipped red wine. The Spaghetti Bolognese was fantastic. It was mostly the grown-ups talking. Anita’s voice subtly changed and sounded more and more Scandinavian, more and more seductive, as the meal progressed. My dad complemented Anita on the cooking. Anita said that Alice had cooked. My dad gathered the dishes. It was deja-vu!

Alice tugged me into the front room. She slumped onto the sofa giggling. I whispered our parents seemed to be getting along really well.

“Well my mum has a terrible track record.” Alice joked and giggled some more.

I asked about the dress and Alice confided that it was actually her mum’s dress and she’d borrowed it on Tuesday but her mum wouldn’t let her borrow it again this time. They were a bit short in the dress department; they only did thin baggy wooly jumpers normally. They had contemplated buying another dress but Thursday had come so quickly.

There was the scraping sound of chairs being moved in the dining room. The noise of conversation and laughing came closer. Anita and dad paused in our doorway, looking in like they were checking up on us. They explained they were just going down to the pub, they’d be back real soon, they promised. Anita and Alice sung something in Norwegian. It was their secret language. And then dad and Anita left, the door swinging shut loudly behind them.

Alice and I turned to each other, our eyes sparkling. I asked what they’d said. Alice giggled as she told me how they’d reminded each other to be good girls. I wasn’t sure if they needed reminding or if they were having a naughtiness contest.

Then there was silence. There was distance between us. I tried to think what to say or do. I wanted to inch along the sofa towards her. I wanted to be near her, kiss her, hold her. Alice was staring fixedly at the telly, which was off.

I said hesitantly, “Alice, I really like you...”

“I like you too, Sam.” Alice said quietly.

Were we more than friends? Did I have a chance? I didn’t want to lose Alice and fuck this up. I’d invested so much time and energy into befriending Alice and I was scared that if I scared her off I’d be left with nothing and no-one and be alone again. There was silence.

“Everyone at school thinks we’re going out.” I said.

It was just a statement of fact. Alice nodded, a tiny nod almost invisibly small.

“Eh, would you like to?” I said so quiet I could hardly hear it myself.

“Like to what?” asked Alice.

I guess she knew but was just wanting to make doubly certain there was no misunderstanding.

“Would you like to go out with me, Alice?” I asked meekly. I was dead nervous. I felt a cold sweat. Everything hinged on her answer.

Alice nodded, a tiny nod almost invisibly small.

“Was that a yes?” I asked meekly. I just wanted to be make doubly certain there was no misunderstanding.

Alice shifted in her chair and we were suddenly much closer. She looked really nervous and uncertain.

“I’ve never done this kind of thing before.” She said and started making quiet excuses. Her nervousness was infectious, my builder bravado was ebbing away.

“C-can I kiss you?” I stammered.

Alice nodded, a tiny nod almost invisibly small. I leaned in and pecking her on the mouth. She stopped talking and we sat quite still, our eyes locked on each other and our mouths just an inch apart. I don’t think she knew what to do. She suddenly lent in and pecked me quickly on the mouth back.

We kissed and cuddled all evening. Eventually Alice sat straddling my lap facing me as we kissed and kissed. The kisses were just locking of lips, no tongues, but they were intense. Alice’s leg muscles were so strong it felt like she was pulling me into her even though she was sitting on me. My erection must have been pressing into her crotch the whole time. I could feel it. Alice must have been able to feel it. She didn’t say anything.

Alice leaped off my lap when the door clicked. It was late; dad and Anita had been down the pub until closing time. They kind of almost fell through the door, giggling and shushing each other.

I wasn’t sure if dad had just made a really funny joke or if Anita was just drunk. Either way, I’m sure Anita was drunk. They looked from my face to Alice’s and back again. Anita asked if we’d been good, and Alice brazenly lied and said we’d been watching Top of the Pops.

“Oooh, did Alice show you her dance moves Sam? Alice always dances to Top of the Pops.” And then Anita did some swaying sensual dancing that was actually very good. Alice was getting even more embarrassed.

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