And then what? Grab me and force his lips on mine? Confess his undying love for me? Pfft. I needed to stop reading romance novels.

"You look like a duck defecated on you," Michelle's weird words suddenly reached my ears.

I frowned, thinking over what she said. "Random much?" I muttered.

She shrugged, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Could you please pull yourself together already?"

"It's starting to get on my nerves," added in Penelope, glaring at me.

"I'm glad my depression annoys you. You're welcome," I mumbled, resting my chin on my bent knees.

"Hey, Rebecca, come here, I want to show you something," Leon said to me, waving at me to go to him.

I walked over to the end of the room where Leon was standing in front of a closet.

"What is it?" I asked, looking curiously at the closet.

"I have a few books in there that might help with singing," said Leon, slowly opening the closet. "You should check 'em out."

"Okay," I replied, walking closer and peeking inside the dark closet. "Let's see what -"

And then suddenly, Leon pushed me and I fell face-first into the darkness. I gasped, and put my hands in front of my face, thinking I may hit something hard.

Oh, I did hit something hard alright. It was even wearing clothes, and smelt of spicy cologne.

"Rebecca?" it exclaimed.

I tilted my head up, and felt his breath fanning my face. I quickly moved my head, trying to extract myself from his arms. Unfortunately, the closet didn't have much space. We were standing with only a hairsbreadth of space between us. Chest to chest, hip to hip, foot to foot. If I raised my head just a little bit, I could probably reach his lips.

"Damn this darkness," I grumbled, still trying to move away from Jake.

"Yeah, that's not the least of our problems." Oh my god, I couldn't deny how good it felt to hear his voice again. "Could you untie me, please?"

"What?" I exclaimed, trying to see him in the dark. "They tied you?"

"Yep," said Jake. "I'm so killing Hayden when I get out."

"It was his idea?" I asked, amused.

I felt him nod. "Yeah. It was his idea to get us together somewhere, Leon's idea to tie me up and throw me in his wonderful closet and Michelle and Penelope's idea to kidnap you."

I raised my eyebrow, looking at him suspiciously even though he couldn't see it. "How'd you know all this?"

"I heard 'em," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "But before I could escape, Hayden knocked me out and I got woken up by you falling on me."

I couldn't believe we were discussing this like we were discussing the weather.

"You'll thank us for this someday, you two," I heard Michelle shout on the other side.

"I'll kill you first, traitor!" I shouted back.

Jake flinched. "Don't make me deaf."


"Um…could you untie me now…my hands are sore," he said.

"Where the heck are your hands anyway?" I asked stupidly. Jeez, Rebecca, where do hands go? On someone's nose? I thought, kicking myself mentally.

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