Why does he hate me?

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Stefan comforted me. He is the best Uncle ever! "Shhh, it's okay, everything is gonna be okay." he said

I cried so hard....

"Okay I'm okay" i said.

"Can we go home I'm tired?" I asked Stefan.

So we had a race home and I won!

As soon as I got in I said goodnight to Stefan and went to bed.


"Joanna wake up!" Stefan yelled at me.

"Okay" i said rolling out of bed.

"Uuuggghhhrrrrggggg!!!" I said

So I put on A pink shirt with black floral pants and my Alex and Ani braclets and I curled my hair.

"I like your outfit" Stefan said as I walked down the stairs. "thanks" I said.


We had history first of course and I walked in and Stefan took the first seat I could find and the last seat was beside Matt Donavan. So I sat down and he said "I never got your number" "okay it's ( ) - <-------- (fake number) so after that we had stupid history. All of this I lived through. Stefan and Elena were staring at each other.


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