Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of weeks since your first day at school but during those weeks you kept getting an odd feeling...

Y/n pov

Right now I'm in my second period which is arts but currently I'm bored of my mind so I'm staring out the window.

Teacher: alright class before we start I would like to announce some news.

This caught almost all of the students attention...except mine. I just kept looking outside seeing the birds flying.

Teach: during the next couple of weeks we will be having some new transfer students.

I can over hear some students saying "hopefully their cute girls" or " I wish that they are at least some handsome guys." the teacher catches everyone's attention again by speaking.

Teach: in fact we will have a new student in here.

Right after she says that, she looks towards the door.

Teach: you can come in now.

Your still looking outside the window not even once looking to the front of the class.

Teach: please announce your name to every one.

???: hello fellow students!

Y/n's thoughts: Wait.....

my eyes widen as I think

Y/n's thoughts: I recognize that voice.

I turn my head to the front of the class and see....well I see a guy doing a weird pose.

(Please imagine his shirt is buttoned up)

???: my name is James thomson and I'm here to attend this class with all of you

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???: my name is James thomson and I'm here to attend this class with all of you.

Y/n's thoughts:...





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Why won't you talk?!?!      Quiet (but not mute) male reader x high school haremМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя