the bully

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through out the story there will be cussing/offensive words and talks about abuse and self harm.. and things that are triggering to some viewers..

– "well, well, well.. look who we have here?!"
– "m-mike leave me a-alone, please"
– "w-hat (mocks will) god your such a fag!"
– "and your such a-"
will pauses and his eyes get big. will knew better too never back talk mike.
– "are you ganna finish that you pussy?"
– "no.. but id better get to class so.."
– "don't you walk AWAY FROM ME"
will is frightened at this point but he speed walks down the hall way to get to his first period. will made it on time to class and sat down. will tried holding in the tears because he didn't want anyone to notice. will felt a warm tear going down his red cheek and he quickly wiped it away. but then a bunch of tears started falling and he raised his hand and asked the teacher
– "may i use the restroom?"
the teacher looked confused because he was crying but the teacher didn't care so the teacher nodded and gave him a restroom pass"

as will was walking down the empty hallway he felt like falling apart. he felt like no one cared. it felt like the walls were ganna collapse. as he opened the door by his shaky hands, he heard a voice that was familiar..
it was mike.

will ran into there too fast for him to get out of the restroom because mike had already noticed him. mike was smoking .. as usual.
will didn't know what to do so he tried to run away but mike stopped him.
– "oh well hello there will! why are you leaving?"
will didn't answer
– "are you crying because i hurt your little precious feelings" (says sarcastically)
– "i don't want to talk to about it, im leaving"
– "excuse me mister! don't give me attitude"
– "SERIOUSLY MIKE! you hate me and bully me but yet you want to stay here.. what the hell?!"
mike blows out smoke and says
"i dont hate you.."
will gives him a confused look
– "i want to be friends will"
– "b-bullshit mike! im leaving, goodbye"
– "will wai-"
mike couldn't finish his sentence because will had already left.
mike always had a crush on him but he didn't know how to handle it so he decided to just bully will instead because mike didn't want to hurt his repetition.
as will walks down the hallway back to his class he thought

wills pov
why would he say that? he's just fucking with my head. he's a total asshole? you don't just go from a bullying me to wanting to be my friend? maybe he's just high i don't know and honestly, i dont care. (he lies to himself)

will walks back into his first hour and looks at the corner of his eye and sees mike walking out of the bathroom.

will gives him a mad but devastated look while
mike gave him a worried look.

will sits down and max mayfield was sitting next to him
– "hey will, you seem sad? are you okay?"
– "yeah, why you say that"
– "well you went to the restroom looking depressed and your eyes are puffy"
– "well.. im okay.." (he lies to max)
– "will.." (max can tell he's lying)
– "what?!"
– "will, i can tell when your sad or happy. your definitely not happy at the moment.. please tell me what's wrong so i can help you"
will looks down
– "look.. max.. im-"
the teacher notices them not working on there assignment and says
"hey! do you have something you would like to tell the class?"
– "no sir" will says, looking frightened
– "will i know your not ganna want to but ima force you to tell our party what's wrong. whatever it is, we will understand"
will rolls his eyes and proceeds to his work.

will and max didn't talk for the rest of the time.

- skip to lunch -
as the party is getting to there lunch table..
(will, lucas, dustin, and max are in the party except for mike and eleven)
the party sits close to where mike and his friends sit so that always made the party anxious.
so once everyone is at the table, max just gets straight into it.
– "so.. guys.. will has something to say.. i know he doesn't want to but .. i can tell there's something wrong"
– "yeah ive noticed but i don't want to say anything" lucas said
– "yeah what's wrong buddy.. we won't judge" dustin adds
will has the whole party waiting for him to open up. will says silent..
– "common will.." max says
*will sighs

wills pov
i mean i love my friends and i can tell they care but i don't think they'll understand how im feeling, emotionally. but i think they deserve to know what i feel.. so .. here it goes ...

will takes a deep breath and starts speaking..
– "ok since you guys want me to speak so bad.. well here it goes.. so basically i have depression-"
the whole party already knew that but waits to hear more.
– "you guys know that.. you know.. mike is just trying is best to make me feel the worst"
since mikes table was right next to the party's table. mike instantly hears his name and instead of listening to his friends conversation, mike moves his chair a little close to hear the conversation.

– "he treats me like shit, everytime he opens his mouth i just feel like dying" will starts sobbing. max rubs wills back to cool him down

– "yeah we see that, but he bullies us all the time so it's definitely not that.." (dustin says)

will continues
"i know but i haven't gotten there.."

will says to himself
– "okay.. here's your moment .. when you tell them that you-"
he stops his mind and says ..
– "i cut myself" will looks disappointed in himself and looks down at his hands
– "what!?" max says worried
– "yeah. i find it as a coping mechanism. everything about my life just sucks. my dad abuses the hell outta me. he calls me a f-fag"

*will gets a flashback from his childhood

– "come here you little fag! what?! are you scared of me? you little shit!" lonnie yells
will starts balling his eyes out.
– "your such a disgrace to this world, you gay boy!"
will sobs and then lonnie hits will in the stomach.
will starts coughing up blood and just wishes someone would care. his mom and brother weren't there and he wish they were. he wish ANYONE was there at this point.
– "no one cares about you. no one cared if you died" lonnie yells again
it didn't hurt will because will felt the same way.
lonnie slaps will in the face and leaves wills room.
will sits on his bed, thinking about killing himself. he sees a pair of scissors on his desk and heads over to desk, limping because of the pain lonnie caused. he grabbed the scissors and went back to his bed.
he starts from the top of his hand and starts slitting his wrists. tears start coming down his face as he is drawing blood and staining his bed sheets red.

*will snaps out of his flashback..

will continues talking as a tear runs down his face.
– "and my family still treats me like a baby because i was in the upside down. my anxiety gets in the way of doing things and i keep on getting episodes and it won't stop.
at this point will is in a full depression.
– "will.. why didn't you tell us this already?!"
(lucas says)
– "b-because i thought you wouldn't understand.."
– "will, we all go through tough shit, in our life. my brother is a piece of shit. my parents are divorced" (max says)

will realized that he's not the only one that's going through shit

– "ive thought of killing myself and um-"
as will is ranting more.. mike is hearing clearly and starts wiping tears from his cheeks. his table didn't notice because they were arguing about the football game they had after school.
mike starts understanding that his actions and words have been hurting will so much. mike cared about will so much but also cared about his reputation. mike also realized that ruining his reputation to date will, was SO worth it.

mike started crying a lot because he knew will would never forgive him. mike wanted to just run to him and hug him tightly and confess his love for will.. but obviously he couldn't do that.

mike walks out of the lunch room and runs with tear filled eyes and finds the nearest bathroom.

(back to will)

will noticed mike get up with tears running down his eyes, leaving his lunch table. a bunch of ideas were running through wills head, but will proceeded back to his conversation..

max pulls will aside, away from the rest of their friends
– "see will! it wasn't so bad, we all love and care for you!"
– "yeah.." will looks down
– "umm will?" max says looking confused
– "i think i like mike.."

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