school sucks

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will wakes up with the light hitting his beautiful soft skin. he sat in his bed almost crying because he had to go to school. he hated school. he had bullies coming at him everyday. will was still confused about his sexuality. he didn't quite know what to feel, he was only in high school. his mom knocks on his door and says to him "honey, time to get ready for school!"

will groans as he gets up from his bed. he picks out jeans and basic t-shirt. every morning will felt sick going to school because he never knew what could happen. mike wheeler always teased him about the most random stuff just to make will feel down. as he walks out of his house, his brother jonathan says to him
– "hey buddy! aren't you ganna eat some breakfast?"
– "nah not feeling it"
he never felt it but he was a shy kid and very antisocial so he didn't speak his mind. he had a few friends but they barely talked to him.

will walks into his mothers car and waits for her to take him to school. as he opens the car door, he hears something in his backpack.
it is his walkie-talkie.

will hurries into his backpack to grab his walkie-talkie.
– "hello?"
– "hey will! it's mike!"
will frozes as he hears the word mike. will blinks his eyes to make sure it was real life.
– "hello? will? are you there?"
– "yeah hi um.."
– "it's dustin! are you okay"
will sighs in relief. will didn't know why he thought it was mike..
– "yeah im okay.. what's up?!"
– "did you finish our project?"
will had totally forgot about his project he had with dustin. mr.clarke assigned a project to his class but will totally forgot because he was drawing. will only found himself happy when he draws and paints, basically anything with art. he had art class everyday and that was the only thing he looked forward to at school.
– "oh shit! i totally forgot!"
– "will! what do you mean you forgot?!"
– "i was busy okay!"
– will hears dustin sighs and sounds annoyed
– "dustin calm down! science is our 2nd to last hour. we can meet up at lunch and finish it."
– "okay, see you at school"
will ends the call and joyce finally is ready and heads to the car and drives will to school.

they finally get there, and will pauses like he usually does.
– "sweetie, it'll be okay. if you ever feel sad or nervous just call me. i understand will"
will nods and heads out the car door and waves to his mom goodbye.
as usual kids were laughing at him, will acted like he didn't care but deep down inside it hurt him. he walked over to his locker and low and behold he saw mike wheeler.

hey guys!! this is my first fan fiction! i hope you guys like it so far. there are much more chapters to come and i have a lot of ideas so get ready! i know my wording is terrible😂 also the characters are there ages currently in stranger things. ofc byler is ganna happen and it's coming very soon but i don't just want to start it off with them. okay bye :)

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