Chapter 16

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Stretching my back I sighed as it started to crack. I don't know how long I had been working but looking outside I saw that night had fallen. 

After getting the laptop up and running I had managed to sync the CCTV cameras to the computer using short wave radio frequencies. I knew it was possible but it hadn't been done for many decades. The only thing now was to figure out the range. The walkie talkies had a range of 50 miles in the right conditions so with the hilltop, the kingdom, and the sanctuary within 20 miles of our location we should have decent coverage. 

I had attached mini solar panels to the cameras so that they had a constant supply charging their batteries which was a relief. As I tested each camera I put them into a box, I counted a hundred cameras; what with the runs I had done in the last few months I had quite a collection of them. Hopefully, it would be enough to cover as much of the roads leading into Alexandria as possible. Also if I could get these to work then the hilltop and the kingdom could set some up too. 

With a portable solar panel, the laptop could be taken anywhere in the area to look at the cameras; this would be a benefit when it came to planning runs and keeping us safe if the saviors came knocking.

"Do you think we could set up a car to run on solar energy?" Eugene said from behind me causing me to jump slightly, "sorry didn't mean to make you jump." He said as he entered the room.

"A car that runs on solar energy; I don't see why not. But you would be hard pressed to find a modern-day electric car now and I don't see many from the 1800s laying around." I said as I leaned back against my work station. "But if you can figure out how to do it, then I will help you."

"Well I know where one would be, but it is a trek." Looking at him I couldn't help but snort,

"The Smithsonian is nearly 70 miles away from here; I don't know if we can get enough gas to get that far. Plus the last time I drove through Washington DC it was crawling with walkers." I said to him, "I don't think Rick would risk it."

"He would if it would mean that I could get a working model of an electric car; just think of the possibilities? Fossil fuels will not last forever and we need to look at alternatives for the future." Standing up from the table I placed my hands on his shoulder.

"You talk to him and see what he says if he agrees then we will go." Nodding he left the room while I stood there contemplating what Eugene just told me. If we could get a working electric car we could rig solar panels to the roof; it would mean we could travel further afield and maybe connect with other settlements who have survived the dead rising.


After I had a good nights sleep I opened up the trailer door with my coffee in my hand. Everywhere I looked people were coming through the gates with gas canisters in their hands that they have siphoned from cars along the road. Rick had agreed to the road trip as long as we asked some of the people in the surrounding settlements if they would come with us. Luckily Baxter and ten of his men had agreed to accompany us while the rest of his men (and women I may add as there were a few females Marines that got introduced to us when we went to visit) carried on building the fence to protect the small town they had cleaned out of walkers. 

Daryl had ridden along to Hilltop where he met up with Jesus, so some of their fighters were going to join us as well as many of the king's guards from the Kingdom. In total there were about 30 of us going, Daryl, Michonne, Rosita and Rick were also coming with us while Carl and Carol looked after Sanctuary with the help of Maggie and Sasha who had finally come back home after staying in the Hilltop for a time. 

We were taking the U-Haul truck that was my baby as well as an RV that Rick had managed to get working; so we could collect supplies on the way. I wanted to bring Bandit with me but he seemed quite content staying with Judith so I didn't try and force the issue. I knew if anything happened he would stand guard over the little girl to protect her, although it felt weird to be going on a long journey without my faithful companion by my side. 

The Remains of Tomorrow #wattys2019Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz