Chapter 8

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The fact that it was all a dream pissed me off; it felt so real but then I realized that Daryl was not like that, not that I had seen many sides of him. 

 Yes, he was soft in some ways but he was a protector/brother to everyone here. However, I couldn't see him as a brother like figure. Every time I saw him across the way my heart hammered in my chest and my face became flushed as the inferno inside grew to astronomical proportion. Yet he was still ignoring her, I even saw him on the street the other day and said hi to him but he just looked at me and turned his gaze away. 

Deciding that I was through with doing daily chores I sat down at the table outside my trailer with Bandit and poured myself a decent measure of whiskey; while it didn't come close to the burn I felt whenever I looked at him it was close enough to give some small comfort. 

Picking up my rolling tobacco, papers and the leaves from the little green plant I had found in Josh garden this morning; little punk had found a marijuana plant somewhere and had been growing it, the little shit. 

Lighting up a joint I turned and watched his house where I had seen him going a few minutes before; right now I was going to drink to get some Dutch courage then the second he was outside his door I would pounce. 

No one ignored me for long, I made sure of it.


"I don't get why you are giving her the cold shoulder?" Carol said as Daryl once again looked out of the window to watch Kenzie;

"You know why Carol? I can't let myself get involved with anyone; not now and not ever." Moving her arm around his waist she put her head on his shoulder to look outside the window too.

"You know you can't keep shying away from her Pookie. I've seen how you both look at each other when you don't think anyone is watching; there's a fire burning here..."She said tapping him slightly above the heart, " both of you that is a-raging. Plus look at her, do you really want some other guy to sweep her off of her feet? You both have that survivor instinct if anyone can make it work then you two can." He laid his hands across her arms and sighed,

"But I'm afraid too!" he replied bluntly causing Carol to look at him in shock,

"Daryl Dixon I have never known you to shy away from anyone in your life; you know many people thought you were gay but I know for a fact you aren't?" She said pulling away from him, "Now go be that man I know and tell her how you feel." She pointe at the door as she said this, "or I will!"

"Stupid bitch, why'd you have to interfere like that?" he proclaims though not in a vicious way, "Now I have to go out there and talk to her before y'all start questioning my manhood again." As she smiled sweetly at him he took a deep breath and stepped out into the sunlight. "Remember though I ain't nobodies bitch!"

"You could be hers?" She said pushing him out of the door and locking it behind him before he could snarl a reply.


Squinting up through blurry eyes I saw Daryl striding towards me so immediately I got up and made my unsteady way towards him,

"I wanna word with you?" I said jabbing a finger in his chest, "Why have you been ignoring me you red necked bastard." With my hand on his chest, I felt his heart beating underneath it and give an appreciative moan and wiggle before carrying on, "You can't make me feel like this and then walk away; I'm so horny it's like a fire is burning me up from the inside." Covering my mouth with my hand I realized what I had said; oops maybe too much Dutch courage.

"Are you drunk?" He said as he peering into her eyes before lifting her face so the light was shining on them clearly, "Are you drunk and stoned?" Giggling I felt myself swaying slightly before coughing into my hand,

The Remains of Tomorrow #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now