Chapter 4

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Six weeks I would be fucking laid up while my stupid leg tried to heal itself.

Daryl, after finally taking pity on me the first week, went out on a run with Rick and Michonne to bring me back a wheelchair so I could at least get myself around and not be carried by every man here so I could go places.  Also, the women started popping in to see how I was doing. Tara, one of Ricks group, had started to work in my greenhouse so my plants wouldn't die and Bandit had been hanging around her every time she came to the house, leaving me to wallow in self-pity. Herself and Daryl dug a plot in the garden next to the greenhouse so they could plant them in the ground after the final frost. 

At least I knew there would be plenty of vitamin C for everyone; bleeding gums are not a good look due to vitamin deficiency. In the films they spoke about the horrors of surviving the Zombies and how people fought or got eaten; however they didn't think to show how people would cope with every day things like basic hygiene, Vitamin intake, catching sickness bugs or shock horror how a woman copes with the dreaded Auntie flow during the apocalypse.
Obviously, this wasn't good for TV ratings, oh look Martha has had her period...damn what can she use for a pad?  Wait does this mean the Zombies can smell her now...yep not good on TV and certainly not good in real life.  This was the problem I had this week; I was two weeks away from having the plaster off and the dreaded period was turning up.  Of course, while it was embarrassing with the thought of having my brother having to get me on and off the toilet while the blood peered up at him from the pad in my underwear; it was even worse for Daryl to do it. 

Aaron and Eric had both gone to another settlement not far from here called Hilltop after a man named Jesus, was bought here by Daryl and Rick, lived there and try to establish trading rights. Wanting to see what could be traded Aaron and Eric both born negotiators felt it was their duty to go along with our now fearless leader Rick after Deanna's sudden demise from a walker bite when a hoard of walkers decided the town was full of prime meat to satisfy their hunger. Well, that was until Daryl had come to the rescue with a truck full of gasoline which he poured into a pond just behind the house and set it on fire with a rocket launcher, he looked quite hot standing on the truck with the rocket launcher in his hands I can tell you.  

It was then a case of Burn Zombie Burn. But what would they do with their sister who could only get about in a wheelchair, not be left on her own and was also weak as a kitten because she hadn't eaten anything all week because she caught a bug?  Call your local Red Neck Bastard to look after her, which he had been doing on and off the last four weeks between Aaron, Eric, Glenn, and Rick. Father Gabriel said he would help out but that was a bit weird even for me.  So now here I was with my gut cramping knowing that my period was either here or about to make an appearance; none of the women could help me as I was too heavy for them to lift.  It was either Daryl or I had to do it myself. Bracing myself I slipped to the floor from the bed and started crawling towards the bathroom but cursed loudly as I smacked my leg against the bedpost.

As the pain in my leg eased off the cramping in my stomach got worse and I knew I wouldn't be able to get up off the floor. Curled into a ball I burst into tears as the period pains got worse and worse, I've never had an easy time with periods but instead of being able to hide away in my trailer with my stuffed penguin I was here in my brother's house waiting for the Adonis of all bikers to find me. 
I was still there 10 minutes later sniffling like a little girl when Daryl came into the house and found me crying on the floor; thinking I had hurt myself he started running his hands over my body, as he touched my stomach I cringed away from him, God the cramps were bloody awful.

"What's wrong with your stomach?" He asked lifting up my top but seeing nothing there to account for the pain. I shook my head and kept trying to crawl to the bathroom, "Are you going to throw up?" He asked as he lifted me up and took me to the bathroom. He helped me lay by the toilet with my head over the bowl but I just sat there grasping my stomach as the cramping got worse. "Let me get the doc ok?" He started to stand up but I grabbed him and pulled him back down,

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