Chapter 11

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I waking up quite late today as I have alot of thinking in my mind after Hin going back yesterday
I checking my phone and seeing so many notifications on twitter and some mentioned to me ..

I start checking Off's message

" Tay ! U dead ? Why not picking up my call !  R you ok ? "

Hmm maybe he is just worried about me the case I told him yesterday !

I opened my twitter and check my fan page's update ...
My mind went blank for a while ..
I am thinking if I'm still dreaming ?

Some of the fans send me a direct message that I need to stay strong ..
Some of the fans start fan war..
Some fans twitting about they stay with us whatever.

Neww !  What is he thinking actually???
International Polca sharing Newwiee's facebook update in English translation..

Yeah ! He openly updating about his relationship..

I opened facebook and staring at his post ..
I don't know how long but I am still looking at that post without reacting ...

Does he want me to know that he still choosing his girlfriend over me ? like what off said ..

I don't know what should I do at the right moment..

Should I call him and ask ? it's too awkward..
Alot of thought running through my mind and the phone suddenly ringing !!
It's P'Yui ..

" Hello "

" Tay ! P'Tha said come to his office this afternoon "

" Hin too ? "

" No, you alone ! "

" Hmm I just wake up ! Pls give me about 30min ! "

"Ok See ya "


"Knock! Knock "

" Come in "

I open the door slightly and walking into P'Tha office..

" Tay Sit! You know all the messy things that Newwiee made right ? "

" He doesn't do anything wrong " I told him while grabbing out the chair to sit.

" P'Tha , we have already known that Hin has a girlfriend and he just made it public"

" Without discuss with the company ! without discuss with anyone ? "

" P'Tha but .."

" Tay, I am not blaming him or scolding him.. I just want to solve this know you two are one of the most powerful shipped couple in GMM ! Now some of the fans unfollow him. Some throw hating on him and some still with him ! We need to arrange somethings to cover this up "

I want to protect him .. He only deserve to be loved.

" What should I do ? "

" Let's separate awhile Tay ! If you are together with him, people will still talking about him like he is pretending and using you "

" We should let him know right ? "

" I will tell him. You no need to worry about this. I have arranged the new variety show for Arm. But in this case I think I need to replace you as the show need to out of town for a while. "

" So how about Arm ? "

" Tay , you no need to worry about all of these. I will re arrange everything myself"

" What is the show about P'Tha? "

" Find Wasabi in Nagoya and you have to go there for 5 days "

" I mean will it be ok for him ? How about giving him this variety show instead of me ? "

"I suggest to let him stay alone awhile . it's more better "

" But he needs me in this situation "

The atmosphere is silent after my sentence ..

" ok P'Tha , I will do as you said ! Just let me know when I have to go there "

" I will release the news first then we will start arranging it soon "

I think P'Tha wants to cover up New's dating news with my new variety show news.

Whatever it is , I just worry how is he now as some of the comments from his facebook is too rude for this innocent kid ..

All this things happened because of me too... He would be so confuse because of me .

Because of our situation .. I am not angry I am not mad at him ..

He has his right to do so ... Even he made a mistake , I will be the one who always staying beside him and the one who will try to make his mistake to correct .. I won't leave him alone...


" Ring ! Ring "

" Tay " He picking up the call so fast ...

" Hin ! Are you ok? "

" Tay ! I think I was out of line and immature"

" You have done the correct things ! You did nothing wrong "

" I am so sorry Tay ! but I hate myself who wants to be with you all the times .. I want to stop myself .. I need to stop myself from thinking about that night .. So .. So "

I can't hear his voice clearly as he is sobbing ..

" It's ok .. it's ok .. what you did is correct ! nobody is blaming you ! I understand .. I am always be your best friend .. Ok ? Where are you now ? I will coming to you.. "

" At home "

" Give me 20 min ! I will be there !"

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