Chapter 10

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I wake up around 6am in the morning and Hin is sleeping soundly....I don't want to wake him up as he is already tired yesterday night ..
I gently touched his hair and kissed his forehead..
He is still sleeping beautifully....
I looking at him with mixed emotion...
The most standing out emotion is fear ....

We did the big mistake together last night ..
I won't regret it but dose he regret when he wake up.
I am ready to go back to our normal TayNew life but don't ask me to forget this entire thing happened last night .. I will never ..
We are best friend. I don't want to destroy our relationship as well ..
I don't know how will he react when he wake up ..
But I am scare .. I don't know what I am scaring of ..

I just slowly getting out from the room and going back home ...
My brain can explode anytime soon ..
I decided to share with someone else and pressed Off's number ..
It's still 7:30 am in the morning..

Tay : Dude ! Free to talk ?

Off  : Hmm Free my ass ! What time is it now ?

Tay : I want to ask you something urgently

Off  : Hmm ok ask

Off mumbling like he lazy to open his mouth ..

Tay : Wake up now and open your eyes! Concentrate on the line !!!

Off : Shitttt ! Stop yelling ! Tell me now ! You are too troublesome.. I am fully awake ..

Tay : Ok it's my friend's problem. just promise me that you will keep it in mind ! Keep it as secret.

Off : Which friend ?

He asked me back as most of my friends he already know.

Tay : Stop asking it's secret. My friend kissed with his girl bestfriend who already has boyfriend. When they kissed, she kiss back to him too but after that she acted like nothing happened. She still talking with her boyfriend in front of me. What is that kiss mean ?

Off : Are you talking about you and New ?

Tay : Nope ! About my best friend .

Off : stupid clumsy 🤦‍♂️
You just did mentioned in front of you !! Did u guy kiss ?

Fuckkkkkkk !!!!! Did I say in front of meee???
Okie just be calm Tay !! I just breath in and out awhile and reply to him ..

Tay : You are still sleepy  ! I just said  in front of him !

Off : Ok Ok .. let it be ! Go on I am listening

I know he won't believe me but whatever!!!
Sometimes we need to be thick skin !!

Tay : Ok then they sleep together and having s** too ! My friend has a feeling for her but she said he is a best friend and she love only her boyfriend..
Now give me an advice !

Shit ! Again ...

Tay : I mean he is asking me for an advice! So I don't have experience in dating . So , u give me an advice then I can share with him ..

Phew !! Perfect ! .. Now I am above suspicion ..

Off : Stupid ! I pretend as it's not obvious. Ok fine ! Tell your stupid close friend that her reaction is the answer. If nothing change between she and her boyfriend , then your stupid friend should know that she considers him as a best friend and nothing more . Don't be stupid !!

Tay : But he kissed back and had s** ..

Off : Tay Tawan ! Should be "SHE" 🙄

Damn it Tay !! again !!!!
Relax .. Don't be too obvious..

Tay : Yes ! Thanks for pointing out dude ! I mean she kissed him back .

Off : But she still choose her boyfriend over your stupid asshole friend. Ask him to stop and he doesn't deserve all this pain ..

I just hang up the phone call and sit in a daze at the living room ..
We are now more than best friend but a little bit lower to be a lover ..
We did every crazy things together and now even a big mistake ...
My bad luck is involved even in my love life ..
As long as he is happy, I am ok with everything..
My tear begins to fill up in my eyes for no reason ..
Why all the feelings stuck in my chest and pressed to my heart ???
My can feel the sharp pain in my heart and difficult to breath.....

Complicated Love  (TayNew)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang