The Right Reasons

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After the confusing night in front of the fire with her sister's boyfriend, Bellatrix wasn't ready t face the next day. Her four-poster bed was too inviting plus the very day was a turn-off. But at least she'd have a full day of classes to distract her from what was to happen when the school day ended. Although never in her life did Bella ever think she'd thank classes for distracting her. This day was already strange and she hadn't even gotten out of bed.

At breakfast with her fellow Slytherins, Bella picked through her eggs with a hollow feeling in her stomach. No matter how hungry she felt, food just didn't look nor taste appealing.

Slyly, she glanced over at the Ravenclaw table where Ethan should be sitting and yet she could not see him. Her black eyes scanned the table from end to end, but still the familiar head of blond hair did not show itself. Strange.

He could just be running another errand, she thought to herself. There was no reason to worry. Bellatrix wasn't some over protective girlfriend clinging to her boyfriend's every movement around the castle. Hence, the secret-keeping.

Breaking her out of her confusing thoughts was Narcissa skipping into the Great Hall. Her blonde hair was tied back in a tight braid and she seemed the pinnacle of glee. Joyfully, she near-jumped onto Malfoy's knee and began picking at his bacon.

Bella scowled. It was as though her younger sister was rubbing in the fact that she was in a seemingly happy relationship and Bella seemingly had no one. But it had to stay that way, it had to.

Slytherin help her if her fellow house-mates found out about her dating someone that wasn't just a non-Slytherin but a muggle-born. Bella shuddered to think. The thought scared her and that was a big deal. The girl wasn't scared of much.

"Bellaaaaaaaaaa" Narcissa sing-songed from her place on Malfoy's lap.

Bellatrix tensed. This was the last thing she wanted. Attention.

When her sister refused to reply to her sweet calls, Narcissa huffed over and plonked herself down next to Bellatrix.

"What is up with you?" she said, sounding annoyed. Bella sighed.

"Sorry, nothing. I'm just not feeling great today. That's all" And I have a secret mudblood boyfriend that nobody knows about. Add one more secret to the mix and the situation just gets even better, even in her thoughts, Bella was just as sarcastic as ever.

A flicker of concern passed over Narcissa's face but was then replaced by her neutral facade of indifference.

"Oh well... anyway I just wanted to check you know the plan for tonight"

"Potions class room at the end of the hall, Pringle always leaves the door unlocked, Dark Arts blah blah blah"

"Hey, keep your voice down! Do you want every teacher in the entire castle to know what we're up to?!"

Bellatrix shrugged, "Might make things more exciting"

Both girls sat there in silence for several minutes. Bella picked at her food sullenly and Narcissa stared off into space with a blank expression. Before long the younger sister dropped some bad news.

"There is one more thing I probably should tell you..." Narcissa looked nervous, almost afraid.

 Bellatrix was suddenly on alert, "What is it?"

"You know how everyone has some people they just can't stand?" Bella's sister refused to look at her.

"Yeah, we both know I can't stand many people. Malfoy and Avery get on my nerves. Lestrange..."

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