A Case of Euphoria

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Bellatrix couldn't quite wrap her head around what had happened that morning. After she had slipped into her robes and mulled about Narcissa and Malfoy's proposal throughout breakfast all she really wanted to do was go back to her dorm and sleep. Her brain was tired.

Her first class of the day was potions with the Gryffindors and old Slughorn. He truly was good for a laugh. Too bad jinxing was forbidden on teachers. Especially in class.

"Good morning students! Today we will be making the Elixir to Induce Euphoria which will be found on page twenty-three of your books" Everybstudent flipped open their book quickly to get a head start on reading the recipe while Slughorn continued.

"A jolly potion this is, known to cure depression and have a curious effect on the drinker. At the end of this lesson no student is allowed to leave until they have recited the side effects of this marvelous potion. Now, who can tell me some main features..." Classic Slughorn. Known to blather on an on about this potion and that elixir, Bella just drowned him out and rested her chin on her fist and stared into space.

Oddly enough she started absentmindedly dipping her quill into her ink well and doodling nonsense drawings on a spare piece of parchment. 

"...and what is it we have here?" said a voice from above her. Bellatrix looked up startled to see her potions professor looking down at her curiously. After some glaring she noticed that he was not staring at her at all but at her nonsense drawings on the parchment. On impulse, Bella slid a hand over it to hide whatever she had been drawing.

"Would you care to share what had your attention as opposed to being focused on my class?" Slughorn said sternly.

Bellatrix opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. She just sat there and gaped like an imbecile.

Slughorn slid his wand out of his robe sleeve and gave it a quick flick. The paper slid out of Bella's hold on it and into his outstretched hand.

"Mmm, I see... who is 'E' I wonder?" He studied it carefully.

"I'm sorry...?" Bellatrix stuttered nervously.

"See here, my dear, you've drawn a heart with the letters E+B in it. There next your crude drawing of the reproduction of blast-ended skrewts" The class roared with laughter yet Slughorn's face remained impassive. Some students started whispering with each other about who 'E' could be. Her fellow Slytherins looked embarrassed.

"Miss Black, I'd appreciate it if you stayed focus on the task ahead and leave your nonsense drawings to your spare time. Five points from Slytherin"

Oh nice one, Slughorn Bella thought to herself. You'd think you'd be nicer to your own house.

When Slughorn had returned to the front of the class to continue lecturing Bellatrix felt the anger rise up in her. The old coot had made her feel stupid in front of her peers, bastard! Hr hands shook and she felt her temper take control. Forcing her hands into fists she pushed back on her chair and abruptly stood up and marched out of the room.

"Excuse me, Miss Black!" she heard Slughorn shriek. Nope, no way was she staying there.

Bellatrix ran down the corridor and up the spiral staircase. It was too bloody cold down in the dungeons anyway, she needed air. Fresh air.

Once outside she walked out into the middle of the stone bridge and grasped the railing, breathing heavily. She took in the cold air around her in heavy amounts and started to cool down but there was a pain in her throat.

How could someone humiliate her, a Black, to the point where she felt as violated as she does now? The rage fluttered inside of her and if she chose to embrace it now who knows what could've happened.

Bellatrix let her hair hang down around in her in thick curly curtains and stared straight down onto the rocky crevice below the stone bridge. I wonder if anyone has fallen before, she thought to herself.

 "Excuse me Miss Black," said a sudden voice behind her. This was the second time someone had crept up on her today and Bella was getting tired of it. She didn't turn around, she just stood there and ignored the newcomer.

"Miss Black, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the railing" That voice. She knew it like a heartbeat "And come give me a big hug" Bellatrix's heart soared.

Behind her stood a tall boy with sandy blonde hair. His hands were clasped in front of him and Bella could see the leader he would one day be. He dripped coordination and wisdom wherever he went. Like her, he wore his school robes yet he was less dishevelled than she was. But  instead of a green and silver scarf around his neck, he wore a blue scarf with silver stripes. Ravenclaw.

The scarf brought out his blue eyes that sparkled a deep midnight blue that was so dark it was almost black. Bellatrix knew better. His eyes weren't black like her's, there was life in them. Mirth, happiness, respect. His eyes had stars that she just couldn't earn.

Ethan  face lit up with a sparkly smile as rich as his eyes were and she melted. Her knees wobbled and she struggled to move. When her basic functions returned she sighed and ran to him. She could've cried with relief.

"What are you doing here?" she said breathlessly.

"I believe I go to school here, same as you" He joked and she laughed. Bellatrix could hear his heart beating beneath his school jumper.

"No I mean, why aren't you in class?" she rested her chin on his chest and looked up into his blue eyes.

"Ooh look who's responsible now!" He laughed and it echoed throughout his body in a soft rumble. Bellatrix held him tighter and closed her eyes, breathing him in.

"Why aren't you in class?" she repeated, whispering.

"I was delivering an errand for Professor Flitwick and I saw you run out of class. You ran straight past me!" Ethan ran a hand through her black curls and stroked them tenderly.

They stood like that for what felt like several hours just enjoying each other's company. Ethan rested his chin on Bella's head and she could hear him breathing heavily.

"Come on, let's get away from here" he said. She could just barely hear him over the beating of his heart. Bella looked up surprised.

"Oh? And where would we go?" she said trying to keep her voice steady.

"Somewhere very special..." he smiled into her hair and kissed the top of her head before continuing.

"I've got a surprise for you"

~This chapter is dedicated to a new follower who is a true Potter-Head and hopefully my first official fan of this new fan fiction. Enjoy!~

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