Blood and Secrets

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Bellatrix's hand was sweaty as Ethan held in his own. Her eyes were closed and they twitched with the urge to open. Once they had arrived at the seventh floor Ethan had tickled her until she closed her them and now they had stopped and Bella was left to wonder what was to come.

"Where are we?" she whispered.

Ethan pressed a soft kiss to her temple and then rested his own head there before whispering back;

"You can open your eyes now"

Bellatrix took a deep breath and did so... to find herself staring at a brick wall. She exhaled and closed her eyes, disappointed,

"Ethan... why am I looking at a wall?" she said through gritted teeth. Her temper was rising like a white hot fire inside of her. She had had enough of people getting the best of her for one day.

Ethan put his hands on Bella's shoulders and pushed slightly to make her relax. He was smiling as if he was in on a secret that she wasn't.

"Focus" was all he said.

"On what?!" Bellatrix replied bitterly.

Ethan slid his hand from her shoulders to around her waist and pulled her against his hip. Bella could almost smile at how well she fit there.

"Focus on how much you want a place for us to be alone" whispered Ethan and she felt a shiver rise up her spine. Every hair on her arms felt like it's follicle was on fire. The rebellion was exciting.

Bellatrix squeezed her eyes shut and focused hard. She tried to envision some place warm and private where she could just sit with Ethan, hold his hand in hers without feeling like someone was watching her. Look into his eyes and not worry about anything.

With another kiss to her temple, Ethan whispered into her ear.

"Bella, look"

Quicker than last time Bellatrix opened her eyes and was at first puzzled then overjoyed. A huge set of double doors had appeared in the wall she has just seen bare moments ago. She had to admit, in that moment she really loved Hogwarts and all it's mystery.

Bellatric felt her shoulders go slack and she lazily turned her attention to Ethan's blue eyes. She wasn't surprised to see them twinkling back at her.

"Welcome to the Room of Requirement" he said cheekily and she giggled.

"What's in there?" said Bella.

"Whatever you pictured in your mind, you'll find in there. The room is always equipped for whoever needs it the most and only appears whenever someone has real need of it. Which we do of course" Ethan winked and clasped her hand, intertwining their fingers. 

Together they pushed open the double doors and looked into the room that awaited. 

A glorious fire burned in it's place along the back wall and added more light than the candles, which floated on their own throughout the room, were supplying. In front of the fire sat a plush, red love seat with a coffee table laden with sweets. Bellatrix recognized Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and a heap of Chocolate Frogs. She licked her lips. This was perfect.

Once more she exhaled and then turned her back on the room to look at Ethan. With a sly smile she walked backwards into the Room of Requirement, pulling him along with her. He surrendered willingly.


They sat there in silence but talking wasn't necessary when you were content in another's arms. They sat huddled together on the love seat never once letting go of the other's hand. Ethan's nail-bitten fingers mixed with Bellatrix's long black-nailed ones in a way that made them seem like such an odd couple when really they just fit.

Bellatrix had her head over Ethan's chest and she could once again hear his heartbeat, strong and steady. Between the fire, the lulling sound of his heart and the quiet she was almost too sleepy to focus on where she was.

At least until Ethan decided to ruin the moment.

"How long can this be going on in secret? Or can it even?" he said quietly. His voice had lost all mirth and was serious.

Bellatrix sighed. This had been coming for awhile she knew.

Before she could respond with a answer filled with hopelessness Ethan silenced her with his response.

"I'm not ashamed if that's what you're thinking. I actually want to show the whole school that my girlfriend's a Slytherin and she doesn't fit in with all those harsh stereotypes that people make up"

Doesn't she?

The events of this morning flickered through her mind. She had agreed to go along to a meeting practicing Dark Arts and had almost jinxed her sister's boyfriend. Probably not the usual morning routine they had over in Ravenclaw. Ethan wasn't done though.

"And if you're embarrassed to tell all your Slytherin friend about me then that's fine. It's just..."

"What?" pushed Bella. Ethan sighed.

"This sneaking around, always having to be in private thing has been going on for three months now. Sure it was easier over Easter break with people at their own homes for the holidays but I don't know how much more I can take"

Bellatrix didn't know why she jumped to first conclusion available but she did so anyway, her temper threatening to get the best of her.

"So you can't take seeing me anymore, is that it?!" Narcissa's argument with Lucius echoed through her mind. That argument and the one she was having now were a little similar in their assumptions.

"No! You know that's not what it is. Come on, settle down" Ethan stroked her hair and wrapped a black curl between his fingers. Her temper settled but not completely.

"Think about it," Ethan continued "Your house isn't rivals with Ravenclaw like it is with Gryffindor. I don't think people would mind all that much"

 "That's true but there's one other problem" Bellatrix didn't want to say it. She couldn't.

Ethan looked confused for a moment and then he thought about it... and cruel realization dawned on his face.

"Crap" He didn't want to say it either, Bella realized. The words just hung in the air between them.



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