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Lucy POV

I wake up with my head in a blur and no strength what so ever. My throat feels sore and I can't breathe through my nose. I must be sick. I promised Natsu I would do a mission with him today so there is no time for rest no matter what.

I struggle out of bed and make my way to my bathroom grabbing hold of every stable object on the way to try and keep my balance. Going back to bed would be the smartest idea but my promise to Natsu keeps popping up in my head and I persuade myself to continue on for his sake.

I look at my bathroom mirror and realise how horrible I look. Red nose, droopy eyes and my skin looks awful. This is for Natsu, don't let him down.

Today will be interesting.

After dressing I make my way to the guild. My eyesight goes blurry every now and then but its nothing I can't handle. My legs feel like Jelly but its still nothing I can't handle. I can't breathe properly through my nose. Again its still nothing I can't handle. I think.

The guild is the usual, loud and full of other members. This contributes to a new headache. Yay. I make my way over to the bar to wait for Natsu which I am surprised wasn't at my house this morning. Mira was happily serving at the bar when I arrive at my regular seat.

"Morning Lucy" She happily says to me and I slump down on to the seat and set my head on the table.

"Morning Mira" I manage to croak out. This may be a bit worse then first thought.

"You don't look or sound too well today Lucy. It might be good for you to take the day off and rest" She says with concern heard in her voice.

"I promised to go on *sniff* a mission with Natsu today. I will stay home and rest after." My eyes continue to droop and sleep threatens to take over. I practically slap myself to stay awake.

"Its not safe for you to go out on a mission like that though. I'm sure Natsu would understand anyway. He really cares for you and wants only the best for you" I dig my face further into my folded arms as a blush begins to spread across my face. I knew what Mira was saying was true. Natsu never did fail to let me know he cared. I don't know if the caring goes past just friendliness but either I'm happy to spend as much time as I do with him.

"Ohayo, Luce" The pinkette yells to me from the front of the guild. I sit up and turn to him. His face goes from extremely happy to extremely concerned as soon as we make eye contact.

"Ohayo, Natsu" I manage to say which is followed by a long and sore cough.

"You don't look too good today Luce. Are you sick?" He says concerned as he sits down next to me at the bar. A mischievous giggle comes from behind me. Mira. I don't even bother giving her a glare as I hear her then quickly walk off to serve other guild members.

"I'm fine *sniff*. Its nothing I can't handle" I sniffle with a forced smile on my face but I can tell Natsu isn't fully convinced.

"I don't want you going on a mission like this Luce. I'm taking you home" Suddenly I'm being picked up bridal style by Natsu's incredibly muscular arms and being taken out of the guild. I'm so taken off guard the I don't even resist.

"Natsu can you put me down I'm fine" I tiredly say in a way that doesn't even sound that convincing. So I'm not even surprised when Natsu responds with a no and continues on his way with me back to my house. I just make myself comfortable against his warm torso and continue to let him carry me home, I'm too tired yo fight back. Staying home is probably the better idea anyway.

When we reach my house, Natsu places me on my bed and makes his way into my kitchen. "Natsu where are you going?" I ask curiously and secretly not wanting him to leave me.

"To get a bowl of water and a face cloth" He yells back so I can hear. Natsu isn't as dense as I thought. He does know how to look after a sick person after all.

He comes back into the room, grabs a chair and sits beside my bed. He dampens the cloth and begin to dab at my forehead with the cloth. "You don't have to do this you know, I can look after myself" I say. I lied he does have to do this cause if he doesn't then he has nothing to do then he might leave, I don't want that.

"Its not that I have to its that I want to" Natsu comments with a straight as he continues to look after me. A blush comes across my face but I don't bother hiding it, instead I continue to smile at his sweetness.

"Thank you Natsu" I whisper to him. I then close my eyes and just appreciate what he is doing for me.

"Do you need anything like good or drink?" Natsu quietly asks me. I would be more than happy to have Natsu get food for me rather than what usually happens but I find I'm not that hungry.

"I'm fine I'm just really tired" I say in response. Which is true. Ever since I'd gotten up this morning I've just wanted to sleep more.

"OK well I'll leave you be then. I'll go-" Natsu had begun to stand and leave but I cut him off by grabbing onto his arm to stop him. "What's wrong, Luce?"

"Don't leave please, I really enjoy having you around and I don't want you to go even if its into the next room. I won't be able to sleep with out you here" I quickly and shyly say to him. I look up at him to see his facial expression and instead of shock, which is what I expected, I saw a wide smile.

"OK if that's what you want" Natsu jumps onto my bed and gets under the covers with me. He seems overly excited about it but I suppose the offer doesn't happen often so he wants to make the most of it.

I wiggle myself closer to him until my head rests on his chest. This way I can hear his steady heart beat and the slow rhythm of his breaths. I could swear everything about him his perfect, how are you meant to say that to your best friend without it getting weird though? Instead of saying anything I just snuggle against him and slowly begin to drift off to sleep.

As I begin to loss conscientiousness I feel Natsu's arm wrap around my waist and his head slowly come down to mine. Then just as I fall asleep I hear Natsu say one last thing. "I love your too Luce"

Nalu one shots by Shiro_YukiWhere stories live. Discover now