Lets dance

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Lucy POV

Its the first time that there is a party that I'm not enjoying. I mean it isn't like anything new is happening its just that maybe I would like to dance with someone and don't know how to ask.

I sit at the bar as usual but Mira isn't here to talk with me. She is really busy this time round, not that she isn't always but I haven't been able to talk to her all night. She would help get my mind off of that someone if she were talking to me.

So I just sit here looking at everyone dancing and laughing. Why aren't I doing that too? I mean I don't have to dance and talk with just Natsu. Yeah, I thought it. I could go talk to Levy maybe.

I stand from my seat at the bar and head over to Levy who is talking to Gajeel and Erza. Making my way over to them I catch a glimpse of Natsu dancing like an idiot on top of one of the guild tables. He can be such a twit sometimes but he is a cute twit.

"Hey" I say once I've reached my destination. They all look up at me with a smile well not really Gajeel but you know what I mean.

"Hey Lu-chan" Levy says and then she gestures for me to sit next to her which I gladly do.

"So what are you guys talking about?" I ask after making myself comfortable.

"The slow dance, everyone has to have a partner and has to dance. Mira planned it, no surprise." Erza says while smirking. Oh no, we have to dance.

"Are you sure we have to dance?" I say while over doing the 'have'.

Gajeel nods with a bit of annoyance on his face. "Yep, either that or suffer the wrath of the demon" I try to laugh it off but I know he isn't joking. Mira can get pissed at small things like that. Its scary just thinking about it.

"Who will you dance with Lu-chan? Natsu?" My face heats up straight away and I try to casually cover face with my hands trying not to draw attention to my embarrassment.

"W-what makes you think that?" No matter how much I try I can't lie to Levy, she sees right through me. So why not go around the question so I don't necessarily answer it and don't really lie either.

"Well, everyone knows that you two have a bond that no one else in the guild has, maybe it is love" Levy says smiling like a complete dork. Inside she is fangirling.

I don't say anything and stare off into the other direction. I hear a clap behind me, Levy and Erza just high fived. I hate moments like this.

The three then continue to talk but I zone out. I have always had feelings for Natsu, practically since day one. I never thought of him actually having feelings in return. I guess if he didn't feel the same way then it may have ended up as a Gray and Juvia relationship. Crazy isn't something I would like to be though so that may not happen, hopefully. Speaking of which, I'm surprised that Juvia hasn't kidnapped Gray yet.

"OK everyone, nows the time to grab a partner and to the floor or else" Mira's innocent smile is really scary. I look around the guild to see who is available as a dance partner but everyone is practically already on the dance floor.

A tap on my shoulder makes me jump. I turn around and there stands Natsu with his hand extended to me. His face shows a faint blush but he still acts as if it isn't there, he just smiles to me and I can't help to accept his offer and smile back.

(Music is Waves by Mr Probs.....not the remixed version, the original)

We make our way onto the dance floor and take our places. Its a bit awkward at first and I find myself staring off at other places rather than at Natsu. Gray and Juvia, Gajeel and Levy, Wendy and Romeo, I have no idea where Jellal came from but even him and Erza are paired up. Mira must be having a hay day right now.

I catch Natsu staring at me. He is completely zoned out on me. I get his attention by making faces in front of him. When he has snapped out of it he just smiles.

"Have you enjoyed tonight?" I ask while trying to break the ice between us.

"Ha yeah, its been nice. What about you miss Heartfilia?" He asks.

"Its been fine, thank you for asking Mr Dragneel" We both laugh and then, sadly, it goes back to silence between us.

"So what's been your favourite part?" He asks me after some time.

"I don't know, probably this. What about you?"

Natsu pretends to think and then smiles as if to have an idea. "This, definitely. That reminds me, I've been wanting to talk to you about something all night. Come with me"

Natsu drags me out of the guild by my hand. I don't even pay attention to where he is taking he, I can't help but stare at our joined hands. We suddenly stop and that's when I finally realise where we are.

I stand in front of this beautiful, large lake. Its clear and covered in pond flowers, it truly is a beautiful sight.

"Why did you bring me here?" I curiously ask. I kneel down next to the pond and reach out to one of the many floating flowers. The petals are so smooth and delicate plus they are beautifully coloured in the most vibrant colours.

"Well there was something I wanted to ask and what better place to ask than here" I look up towards Natsu who is blushing extremely hard while coolly rubbing the back of his head with his right hand.

I stand next to him waiting for him to say something but there is only silence. "Well, what did you want to ask me?"

"D-do you....maybe....want to go on a date....sometime?"

My heartbeat gets faster and I feel my face start to heat up. My stomach fills with butterflies and I can't help but smile. I embrace Natsu in a hug, slightly catching him off guard.

"Of course"

Well I hope that you liked that chapter minna. Please put suggestions below for types of nalu one shots you would like to read, even ones of seasonal holidays like Valentine's day or Christmas. Remember to Vote, Comment and Follow me.

Until next time,

Shiro_Yuki out.

Nalu one shots by Shiro_YukiWhere stories live. Discover now