the Keyboard

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The next morning I went picking up Violetta to show her our apartment, and we were going to shop a little bit. I thought that as a suprise I would buy her a keyboard.

I knocked on the door.

German opened it, I didn't look at him. I said 'Goodmorning,' and walked straight to Violetta's room.

'ANGIE!' She hugged me.

'Goodmorning, honey, are you ready?'

'Yeah, I can't wait.' She said with much excitement in her voice. I smiled.

We walked downstairs. I avoided German's eyes.

'I will be done with working around 8 o'clock. I expect her to be home then.'

'She will be.' I said.

Violetta looked weirdly at me.

'Let's go.' I said to her.

Violetta linked my arm and almost run to door, so excited she was.

'Bye dad!'

'Why are you avoiding him, Angie?'

'I am not.'

'You are, c'mon, tell me the truth.'

'I just can't face him, Vilu. Not after what he has done to you.'

'To me? Or to the both of us? You might be with Pablo but I know that a part of you still loves him.'

'I do, but he changed. I fall in love with someone else, not with this person.'

'So you admit you were in love with him?'

'I thought you already knew.'

'I do, but I never heard you saying it.' She said with a sad smile.

'Yeah.' I said.

It stayed quiet for a while.

'Before we go to my apartment, shall we go shopping? I have a little suprise for you!' I winked.

'Really?' Her face lit up.


We were walking through the centre.

We both bought some new clothes. The weather was different here and we needed to adapt ourselves to that. We both bought some beautiful new dresses and tops.

'I love it very much, Angie, thank you, I couldn't imagine a better suprise. Dad would have never allowed me to the centre.'

'This wasn't exactly your suprise, Vilu.' I said smiling.

'But how?'

I started running and stopped before a music shop.

I heard Violetta gasp.

'I think that something has been missing.'

I walked in.

'No, Angie. You can't be serious.'

'I talked about it with Pablo. I am going to buy you a keyboard because a piano would be to heavy to carry. We keep it in my apartment, and you can come to me whenever you want to sing or practise, and we can both help you.'


She almost screamed. I love her so much, and I was so glad to see her like this.

We stood for one hour in the shop and we tried as many keyboards as we could. Violetta enjoyed it very much and I could see that she was herself again.

Violetta chose a white keyboard with purple accents. We both loved it.

As we walked out the music shop the sun was shining brightly. It looked like life was smiling back at us again.

'I will show you now our apartment.'



Mum was greeting us in the lobby, she was reading a book.

'Look what I got from Angie, grandma! A keyboard. So I can play again!'

'It is beautiful sweety!' Angelica said

'I can't wait to use it!'

'Shall we go upstairs then?' I suggested.


'Where is Pablo?' I asked my mum

'He is upstairs.'

I opened the door.

'Hey beautiful!' Pablo kissed my cheek.

'Pablo!' Violetta hugged Pablo. Students and teachers are always very close to eachother in the Studio. We support eachother.

'Shall we turn on the keyboard?' Pablo asked Violetta.


As soon as the keyboard produces a sound, Violetta started playing.

She sang a song I never heard of.

It sounded pretty well. You could hear that she only have had the melody in her head and didn't work out yet because she made some flaws. But you could see that she is talented because an average musican would make more errors.

'Angie, shall we make lunch as Violetta and Pablo work further on the song?' Mum said.

'Yeah sure!'

'Guys, we could eat in the restaurant tonight. There is a piano in the restaurant, Violetta could perform. I am sure the staff would be fine with that.'

Violetta's eyes were sparkling. She hugged her gran.

'I love you all so much.' Violetta said with tears in her eyes.

'I love you too.' We all said at the same time.

During lunch we ate pancakes and Pablo told Violetta about the new arrangements the Studio made with U-mix.

Though it hurt Violetta, she still wanted to know everything.

After lunch, Violetta's song was almost perfect. It was called 'Hoy somos mas' and we went watching a movie.

Aftet the movie we made ourselves ready. Violetta and I decided to wear our new dresses and we did eachothers hair.

When we were ready mum and Pablo were gasping at us.

'You both look so beautiful.' Pablo said.

'Indeed.' Mum said.

Angelica was also wearing a dress and Pablo wore a suit. We would be eating inside so the weather wouldn't matter for Pablo as a suit could be very hot.

Pablo kissed my hand and he linked my arm as Angelica linked arms with Violetta.

The first thing Violetta did when she was downstairs was running to the piano, and she started playing immediately. Everyone stared at us as we were standing by the piano with Violetta. A crowd was formed around us.

Suddenly I see someone appear through the crowd.


His face was expressionless.

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